Change the Guns

Discussion in 'Deathrun Suggestions' started by Pokeben10, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

    The guns on deathrun are just... bad. Why do they actually have spray patterns? Why are they so inaccurate?

    Can we change them to the TTT guns?
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  2. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    They dont have a spray pattern? Just like TTT Its literally just pull down my guy
  3. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

    Huh, you're right. I don't know why I thought they had spray patterns. Nonetheless, anyone who's played on dr can tell you that the guns are whack compared to the ttt guns. I say we just go with the ttt guns on dr for consistency's sake and so they feel more natural for ttt players playing dr for the first time.
  4. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    That or if we can just close the cone on them that would be awesome
  5. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    I may be wrong but im almost positive DR uses the M9K Weapon Base. I can agree with you that the weapons feel different, so a couple value changes on the SWEP files should do the trick.