Approved Cedrouleau's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Cedrouleau, May 10, 2015.

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  1. Cedrouleau

    Cedrouleau Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    i msged the mod that the last t was afk, and he banned me, idk y he banned me seeing how people do it all the time and all but yeah.

    and idk how to get my id sorry
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I dont know the type of evidence i need for this type of ban appeal.​
  2. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    If you were dead and the staff member was alive, there should have only been a warning if what you were doing was solely to get the game moving.

    @U.B.C.S. Ravin will respond when he can. Also tagging @TheCoCoFTW
  3. Cedrouleau

    Cedrouleau Member

    Oops my bad its actually west not east.
  4. Cedrouleau

    Cedrouleau Member

    so yeah i didnt get a warning and ill admit i actually dont remember if he was alive or not but i just got banned no warning nothing.
  5. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello Cedrouealu.

    You were banned by me for ghosting, 1st. As it states in our MOTD do not use third party chat to inform staff of the last people alive. Infact, another person did it before you and I announced it over Mic to NOT tell me who was AFK and you did it a few seconds later again. The person who told me the T was AFK, did not specify a name. You did. And the other person apologized because they heard my warning, you did not.

    [​IMG] [/report]

    Now I don't know if you didn't hear me, but I clearly announced it while alive and you did it again. I did broadcast a warning this was ghosting.

    I will go ahead and tag @TheCoCoFTW to look at this. I did give a warning and you did it anyway. This whole 'I see people do it all the time' is not okay.
  6. Cedrouleau

    Cedrouleau Member

    i didnt hear and u wanred another player not me. i do know the ghosting and warning is the thing u were suppsoed to do to me not ban ME.
  7. Cedrouleau

    Cedrouleau Member

    Also when warning u should always do it in a way the player will notice voice chat is the worse place possible pm and or a simple msg r the best way to warn especially since u can screenshot it to prove u warned since that screenshot doesnt prove that u warned.
  8. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Due to recent changes of the ghosting rule for Moderators, It is not considered ghosting because it helps speed up the game. However, if continued after the warning it can be considered as such.

    There was a warning given, but considering the circumstances I can understand if you did not know because you believe other people find it acceptable in the past. My admin and I had a discussion how to help you prevent this in the future and gave me some more tools to utilize.

    Have a good day.

    Also, you can find your steam ID here Your steam ID is - STEAM_0:1:54208200 for your records in the future.

    Appealed and Voided.
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