Denied Caveman Killer's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Caveman Killer, Jul 21, 2017.

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  1. Caveman Killer

    Caveman Killer New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Faggot hunter Negro
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    casue im smarter tahn anyone who was on nigga like im 7 feet tall and yall lik 4 feet so finan eat yo scoks befoer ban me on?:
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2017
  2. Caveman Killer

    Caveman Killer New Member

    betta be unbanned soon nigga im famous
  3. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    Hey. I banned you. Give me a few to gather my evidence, until then please refrain from useless posting.
  4. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    Alright, I'd like to thank you for not making too much of a ruckus as I was collecting my evidence.
    I'm not going to dawdle around with making useless remarks and get straight to the point, as we have a lot to discuss about your behaviour today.
    I happened to be requested to staff on West 1 today when I came across quite an interesting series of events (which evidently led to your ban).
    First off, you happened to be making very racist remarks and harassing other players to the extreme. My colleague, who was staffing prior to me entering the server, has gladly given me a screenshot of them giving you a warning of the above mentioned behaviour:
    Now, before I go on, I'd like to say that moderators have a protocol for harassment here, which I will be displaying in the following screenshot:
    Until now, I've displayed evidence for the 1st warning. Let's move on.

    Then afterwards, a map later on Innocent Motel, you happened to do the following which led to me having to kick you (as can be seen in the video):

    Thus, I conclude the evidence of your second warning, which was the kick.

    Finally, you re-entered the server after the kick and starting making fun of the native-indian race (along with others) as well as making death threats:

    In the video that I've shared above, I had banned you for 1 day. However, upon looking closer at your history, I made it into a 5 day ban later on.

    One would think that the story would end here, but no, there's quite a bit more.

    Soon after I had banned you, you proceeded to make two alts and ban evade. Their steam IDs are: STEAM_0:0:171668634 (Tyler The Creator) and STEAM_0:1:110621074 (lightbubchugger4234).

    Proceeding this, two people had then reported you here on the forums, they can be found here and here.
    Because of this, I had your ban globalized and extended.

    But, yet again, it isn't the end of this. You then made a forum account and teased CHIPS Novice on his profile.

    Concluding all the evidence I've presented above, I have no intentions whatsoever of unbanning you. You have displayed very toxic and unprofessional behaviour which isn't in the best interests of the community and will receive no forgiveness. Had you stopped at the beginning, maybe all of this would've ended differently.

    Appeal has been denied. I hope you learn from your mistakes.

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