candycaneore failure to ban for RDM and leave.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by TheTrueCatMan, Apr 23, 2014.

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  1. TheTrueCatMan

    TheTrueCatMan I am the one who knock knocks. VIP

    Name of Staff/Player: @Candycaneore

    SteamID of Staff/Player: I don't know

    Server: (Which server did this occur on?) Vanilla

    Map: (Include the Round Number if Possible) The minecraft village one...

    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone) 7:00 - 9:00 PM (PST)

    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?) I was RDMed by someone o and when I reported them they responded with saying it was an accident. Candy asked if I wanted him slain and I said yes and failed to slay him. He then left the server and when I asked her to ban him for RDM and leave, she said that she asked an admin and that it was not big enough RDM to ban them.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: (Screenshots/Video Recordings/Players That Witnessed The Event; See Here) You can check the logs for the RDM and see the lack of punishment from Candy. I have no screen shots or video, but the majority of proof should be visible within the logs.

    Day: 04/23
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Candy's still getting used to the process man. You can't be so quick to bash her for not doing something you expect out of an experienced staff member.

    But @Candycaneore will respond at her earliest convenience.
  3. TheTrueCatMan

    TheTrueCatMan I am the one who knock knocks. VIP

    Even then I asked her multiple times to ban him including in admin chat to which she never replied. There is no reason there should not have been a ban issued after how many times I asked her to ban him. She never even attempted to slay him even after my report. And how can you talk about being so quick to bash when everyone was rutheless with my trial mod and my demotion?
  4. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Don't bring up your trial mod issues on this. You want to really talk about it, then take it up to pm.

    Next, Candy just became mod today. You can't expect everyone to adapt quickly. Especially with that DDoS problem, which made it difficult especially for the trials to do anything. Give her time and when she gets experience with other staff members, she should have no problems.

    Now I already mentioned that she will respond at her earliest convenience. So be patient for the time being.
  6. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    I've go used to it quickly with some help from fellow admin but, at the time of your report, I was handling several other reports ahead of you and i do believe i banned that player for rdm and leave.

    Edit: I was also the only mod on Vanila at the time, I am one girl not a computer.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If at any time you begin to have more reports than you can handle and still play, just force spec yourself until you're caught up. It's a learning process.
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Mango's suggestion is true. I always fspec myself when I'm on vanilla to deal with reports (since Vanilla's gonna get a ton)

    Just try to get used to the flow quickly and you're good to go. :)
  9. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    yeah i was spec the whole time

    edit: It was around that time those reports piled in.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
  10. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    Since I was the only staff on at the time, I went through report in order, and you were at the very top (the end of the line in reports), and like you said about messaging me, I never saw many of them except for the message asking me if i was banning him, I'm not looking at admin chat or private messages. I'm looking at the logs to see if theirs enough evidence if other players really rdm. My job here in the community is to help other and make sure people aren't breaking rules. Truthfully, you aren't the center of everything, I'm a mod that treats everyone equally, no one is better then anyone else, I followed the reports from bottom to top getting to your report last. I also remember in the logs, he damaged you with a*pig*, and you ended up shooting him to death. Why aren't you satisfied enough that you killed him, and now you're not satisfied because I didn't slay him or ban him. I thought that it was enough that you killed him, i guess not. Also if your including your story of being trial mod and your demotion, I sense you might be jealous and still not mature enough for a staff position in this community. This may not be the most courteous reply but, I really do feel bad that you can't forgive. Accidents happen, no one is perfect but, people do try to set matters right. As a new mod of the STTT community, i don't want to always have to ban or slay people, but I have to, a it is part of my job here in STTT. If a problem was light or it was an accident, I'll always try an ask if the victim who reported, if they are willing to forgive but, you killed him, didn't forgive him, and your probably still angry at me. I still believe my decision on not banning him was right, you were able to kill him almost instantly after he accidentally prop damaged you. And YES, I did ask advice from an admin and no where near did I say "it wasn't a big enough RDM to ban". I decided from the beginning not to slay him because you ended up killing him anyways and he never fought back. That is why i also asked you if you wanted him slain, I thought you would be fine and let it slide for once. I was wrong. I have said everything that I felt about this topic and I stand on my decision that I wouldn't slay him since it was an accident which could have been easily forgiven.
    _ Sorry if this seems like useless words to you, but I was trying to make a point.
  11. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    If a player takes any amount of damage it can effect them in later gunfights, and if they request a slay for that damage then you should go ahead and slay them.

    And if that player decided to leave during his slay round then a rdm and leave ban is required.

    1HP of damage is still RDM.

    Edit - Tagging @Krys for his decision as he is your admin.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
  12. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Yea I'm going with Carned on this one. You should have banned him for RDM and leave.
  13. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    @Candycaneore Usually as mod you must make decisions that are for the safety of the people and the server itself. A moderator must use their best judgment on a report and decide to punish them or not. The only way a player is safe from a punishment is from the request of the victim. Otherwise there must be an occasion in which rdm could have not been prevented. (I.E: Crossfire, C4, Deathstation. Tripmine.) A moderator must be willing to give up playing the actual game, and take care of the player within the game, and keep calm in the face of a conflict while still being able to resolve it quickly. "I still believe my decision on not banning him was right, you were able to kill him almost instantly after he accidentally prop damaged you" is what you replied about the rdm. Usually that means you knew it was in fact RDM, but for some reason still did not ban the player. Even if the player who was RDMED kills the RDMER, it is still RDM. I know you are a new moderator, but you must be more careful with your analysis of reports and your judgment of conflicts and knowing how to punish them accordingly. I am not sending this as a hurtful statement, but as a lesson on how to be the best moderator you can be. Thank you and have a nice day.

  14. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I want to add something here for the moderators. As you can see in the server rules, punishments are subject to change at the discretion of an admin. That means that all mods should follow the MOTD and the Moderator Guide when it come to punishing players, unless you are directed to do otherwise by an admin or higher. This event could have also caused a RDM chain and unnecessarily lowered many of the players' karma. You must always be thinking about the potential affect that these players can have on the community. As stated by the admins, any damage that can later affect their chances of winning a gunfight is enough to be considered RDM; many players have won rounds with only two HP.

    This player deserved a slay, whether or not CatMan killed him or wanted him slain, because that player prop damaged him and he should be held responsible. If no slay was given, there is a chance that that player wouldn't have learned his lesson and would just do it again. Unfortunately, if he did do it again, we wouldn't have any documentation that the player has a history of such things. As we say in the medical field, "If it isn't documented, it didn't happen."

    The player needs an RDM and Leave ban.
  15. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    It would have been more ideal if this report was about the player who RDMd you.
    However, @Candycaneore has been mildly reprimanded because of her inexperience.

    This report has been found valid.
  16. TheTrueCatMan

    TheTrueCatMan I am the one who knock knocks. VIP

    The reason I reported candy instead of the person who RDMed me is because of multiple reasons. The first is that I don't remember the name of the guy that RDMed me. Next, I knew that candy would be on the forums and I wanted to hear her side of the story as I told Grell on steam when I told him I was going to report her. Finally, I repeated to her multiple times that I wanted a slay and from what she said was just busy. I can understand that, especially on vanilla but if someone is going to moderate vanilla they should be prepared to handle multiple rdm reports. I am not saying that candy is incapable of it but for now I think that only more experienced mods should handle vanilla. I know that there is the hazing stuff that mods like to do but for the sake of the server's rep, vanilla needs strong staff.
  17. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    I am not sending this as a hurtful statement, but as a lesson on how to be the best moderator you can be. Thank you and have a nice day.


    Thank you Grell, and I understand I will be using the information you have given me to do better. Sorry for my mistakes.
  18. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    Thank you for your opinion but, the reason why I wanted to also become a mod was to also help Vanila, we all know I'm inexperienced compared to all the other staff but, I try to do my best when handling Vanila. Being able to have a mod at Vanila is better then having none. Considering it was also my first day, I'm sorry for my lack of experience that has disappointed you.
  19. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    If you would like Candy: I can teach you how to become a better moderator. And learn basic and advanced strategies to analyze reports and other types of crimes done on the servers.
  20. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    I feel you're being too hard on her. We can't always avoid sending our newest staff to the sharks (vanilla) until they're ready, especially when the server is unstaffed.

    That being said @Candycaneore take this as a learning experience. RDM is always still RDM. Once during 67th way another player and I were skeet shooting with the boxes. Using my pistol I swung my crosshair and fired at the falling box which was somewhat close to another players head. The bullet homed in on that player and headshot him. It was a COMPLETE freak accident but I still slayed myself.

    If the reports are overwhelming take the time to call for help. Remember that reports reset on map change (players don't always know this) but you can still look at the old logs to continue investigating.

    If I shot CatMan in the foot for 1 dmg and he headshot me, I'm at fault for RDM and should be slain.

    Prop damage is still RDM. Players are responsible for ALL actions they commit on our servers. Keep in mind (Candy and CatMan) that low amounts of prop damage may not show up in the logs. I've had a few cases where the player claimed to take 2 dmg from a prop, but it did not show up at all. Another time I took 2 damage and the logs showed it as 5. As prop dmg is still RDM you must slay accordingly, even if the server changes maps.

    This is completely unnecessary and as Guilty stated should not be discussed here at all.

    On Vanilla, you might not always have the luxury of talking to the victims due to the insane amount of RDM on that server. It's not enjoyable, but part of being a moderator is throwing the down the ban hammer for even the small stuff.

    Taken from Steam chat just now, Candy showed me the advice she got:

    8:33 PM - Candycaneore: um what is a person prop damages then leaves?
    8:33 PM - Candycaneore: if*
    8:33 PM - RB | Sailor Neptune: how mucg prop dmg?
    8:33 PM - RB | Sailor Neptune: much
    8:33 PM - Candycaneore: not much the other guy killed him ack with an ak after he prop dam
    8:34 PM - RB | Sailor Neptune: if it wasnt much and he got killed, i wouldnt worry

    I would have done exactly what Event said if I was in Candy's position too.
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