Denied Canceled Fish's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Canceled Fish, Feb 22, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Canceled Fish
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I don't even know why I was banned, so can we start with that?
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Innocent until proven guilty.​
  2. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    You were banned for Loopholing by @C.A.Anna. She'll respond as soon as she can so please be patient.
  3. lmfao wtf
  4. i swear to god if this is because that trial mod sage was pissed off because i killed him for knocking me off a ledge i'll be pissed
  5. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    This was for the instance where I shot you out of confusion, and you turned fully around to shoot the person that was behind you. You claimed crossfire for the situation despite there being no one else present in the direction in which you fired. Anna will respond with her verdict shortly.
  6. There was a traitor right behind that person I shot at lol (he was even shooting in my and your direction), he was coming through the door. If this is what I remember. I get a 14 day ban for this? I already took my slay for this situation, I don't see why I need a 14 day ban on top of it.
  7. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    The person that was behind him afterwards only even entered the hallway after you began to fire. The person that shot, as I said before, was myself, not either of them. Again, Anna will respond to your appeal shortly, please be patient.
  8. I saw him before I started shooting, even if I did shoot first. Hopefully that explains the confusion as to why I thought he was the one who shot me, even though you claim it was you (no one told me who shot me, actually, I think you just took a slay without saying anything lol). Again, why was I punished twice for this? I understood the confusion (we had a small conversation about the incident and you gave me a slay), but can I like plead the fifth or something? Lmfao. I fail to see how anything is loopholing if you end up getting slain for the incident, whether or not I did lie. Although I'm not lying about the incident, I think it's easy to see how the situation unfolded and if anyone were to have a demo started at the time, you guys would be able to see how easy it was for a person in my position to get confused and open fire on the person behind me.
  9. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Canceled Fish,

    Thank you for taking the time to appeal your ban. I'm going to straight into it and tell you why exactly I banned you for it, even though you served a slay.
    Alice brought to me this evidence in light of the situation and after I reviewed it I deemed it as you loopholing, or attempting to, out of a slay and had Alice not recorded this, you may have gotten away with it. I have a Demo recording right here and I will provide the tick numbers of important events that occurred.

    Firstly the demo can be located here:
    The actual event occurs around tick 53,400 however I took it back to 53,000. So I would suggest you do the same. This allows you time to gather in the entire situation. Now I will lay out the important ticks

    • Tick 53,000
    This is where Alice is seen going to the second level of the train. She turns right and bumps into you, cancelled after she attempts to open a door and pass through. You don't move and push on so she is forced to 180 and trek in the opposite direction.​
    • Tick 53,300
    Alice has started walking down a small hallway, with you following behind her. Nothing happens for a little bit after this but the fact of the matter is you are right behind her. There is one other person that is behind you back at the the sliding door that you guys had just been at. He follows you guys down the hall. The door closes between the compartments shortly around (around tick 53,450)​
    • Tick 53,500
    This is where the real issue begins. See, Alice shoots and damages you. This was an accident on her part and she issued a slay onto herself the following round for this damage she dealt. To prove this I have the logs and will provide them shortly. After she damages you, you full 180.​
    • Tick 53,570
    This is where you 180 and open fire on the poor guy behind you. You just claimed before that:​
    but the demo proves otherwise. There is no one else behind the guy you open fire on and kill until AFTER he is dead. Which warrants your "traitor behind him" argument a lie. He also wasn't shooting at all either as you can see in the demo so you are again trying to get out of this. This also renders your "crossfire" claims that you wrote in the report that had been filed against you.
    Now the reason why I decided that this was worthy of a ban is because it was a blatant attempt of getting out of a slay and this is not the first time that this kind of behaviour from you has been noted. You said that the guy "[got] in the crossfire" which you further supported here with you claiming there was a Traitor behind the guy you killed. This was all proven to be false. You didn't help your case by then lying here and claiming things that happened that quite frankly, did not. Here is the report and logs so that you can see that it was actually Alice that shot you first and then you opened fire on the poor random guy. These are highlighted in red and orange respectfully.

    The issue here is, if you had stated that in your response to you report, "Sorry I thought you had shot me" then this wouldn't have happened. You would have been slain and things would have been fine. The issue here is that you attempted to claim that it was crossfire in what seemed to be an attempt to loophole out of the slay. Like I said, this had been dealt with in game and you had been slain but this is not the first time that this has been brought to our attention. You have a history of it and this time it seems you got caught.

    In the end I see no reason to accept this appeal. This kind of gameplay and attitude is toxic and we don't want nor need that on our servers. As I stated this has been brought up before and really I feel that 2 weeks off of our servers would be beneficial for you. It would give you time to rethink your game play style and in turn I hope that when you finally do return to the servers you come back with a better attitude. Not doing so and being caught doing this again will only result in harsher punishments. All in all, your appeal is denied. Now if you have any questions or concerns you may PM me on the forums if you need to.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
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