Can anything be done to traitors who hit map traps on other traitors?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Masterj, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Masterj

    Masterj VIP

    I have been playing the past week and noticing a large increase of traitors hitting map traps on other traitors then running away/teleporting. These including anything from the pool trap in community pool, that explosive hallway in bowling alley, and the exploding pumps in pool.

    Some go the extra mile and buy traitor again then hit the same traps again on traitor friends. I'm sick of a so obvious t friend looking down seeing me placing c4 in the pool, look up to break the glass above the pool, then hit me with the t trap and run off.

    Nothing shows in logs and if I tell a admin/mod they can't do nothing without hard physical proof. They are usually busy playing or dealing with other people to watch over something silly as one slay.

    I wont name names but there are several donators doing it and now basically everyone is doing it.

    I honestly think punishments for this should for tougher in this situation if the person has hard proof such as a point of view video recording of the player looking directly at the t trigger to kill another t.

    Makes me mad that it's tough to prove but you basically know they did it cause they look right at the spot.. Be warned I will record you if I suspect you hitting traps on other t friends and go from there. No on deserves to be rdmed on their t round and can't prove it.
  2. Jordan Belfort

    Jordan Belfort New Member

    Always happens to me! Ill be sitting inside the traitor room and some troll traitor opens the door. Tons of innocents just come pouring in. Very annoying I hope theres something they can do about it!

    Jordan Belfort
  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    PlayerXXX was killed by The World.

    That's all mods see for those traps. There's no way to tell who pressed the trap, and there's always people who will lie one way or the other to get out of a slay or to get someone slain. That's why punishments aren't issued without hard evidence.

    That's why I like Minecraft_b5, where most traps show who activated it by giving the kill to the T who pushed it. There, Ts are actually slain for killing T-buddies that way. So, if you could program the maps to be like b5, I would love you forever

    On the other hand, I record most or all of my gameplay, so if it happened to me I would have the hard evidence to get them slain. If someone does it to the extent of trolling, I'm sure more severe punishment will be issued

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    I'm terribly sorry for the inconveniences that the lack of a proper system to catch these sort of players hasn't been into place has caused. As you understand, we cannot slay without hard, solid, and full-proof evidence to issue a slay (or potentially more lethal punishments), and that is simply because it wouldn't be fair to anyone who plays on SeriousTTT if we went off of anything but the whole truth. Our primary defense against this sort of RDM is repetition. If we notice a player consistently being labeled as the offender by multiple sources then we'd take immediate action and investigate further. Also, recordings can help, but they are not 100% full-proof unless we bring in logical claims such as you were the only two Traitors alive, or perhaps it was a very large map and it'd be impossible for another T-buddy to activate. This would take very lengthy amounts of time to investigate. I am truly sorry if this is not enough for you, but this is the best method in ensuring no one is wrongfully punished.

    Also, I'm sorry to hear that you believe that we staff spend our time investigating "not as important" and "something silly as one slay", but that was what we signed up to do. We signed up to ensure that as many potentially hostile offenses to our !motd and how we believe the game should be played gets dealt with. We do not consider this a lesser offense in any way. If you have a claim, make it and we'll investigate and provide you with a verdict. We are not giving you a generic response when we say "There is nothing we can do because there are no logs to prove it" because that is truly the reason. It's the actual thing that's preventing us from helping you any further. We want to help you, we just... can't :cry:

    RDM can never be stopped. That is why we staff exist. We can only mitigate against it as best as we can while still allowing players a fair trial and a chance to prove their innocence. We ensure a positive environment while a staff member is present on a server. If you feel otherwise, please make a suggestion on what you believe should be changed or a report so we can learn from our errors. Thanks so much for being patient with us.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Don't use the T room, get good.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Taco Man

    Taco Man VIP

    Agreed. I was pressed against the wall in the pool trap room, and some idiot used it and sent six barrels flinging at me. He wasn't slain because there was no evidence at all against him.
  7. Ricox

    Ricox Member

    Yeah, kinda disappointing to lose a traitor round because of some pathetic troll. Now I actually have to be paranoid not just of innocents and detectives, but my traitor buddies as well.

    Paranoia simulator 2k15 11/10 ign