Denied camer565's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by camer565, Mar 29, 2015.

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  1. camer565

    camer565 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    They said i rdmd but i killd two ts and was proven then a ino saw me throw a smoke granade and tried to kill me so i killd him. i was prety mad that they slayed me for 4 rounds my internet went down so they baned me for 70 days which i thank was way too much time since your servers are my favorite ones to play on
    Evidence of Innocence:
    They said i rdmd but i killed two ts and was proven then a ino saw me throw a smoke grenade and tried to kill me so i killed him. i was prety mad that they slayed me for 4 rounds​
  2. Azure

    Azure Into each life some rain must fall. VIP

    Hello, camer.

    First, I was the one who issued the slays on you for your second offense of RDM in a very short time. You have an habit of randomly throwing grenades everywhere, and you ended up killing someone (again). I do not have a screenshot of the first slay because I wasn't the one that issued it, but from what I remember, he tried to kill you because you threw incendiaries along with the smokes and they damaged people.

    After that, you harassed our staff team through admin chat and left shortly after, so @Darktooth banned you for RDM and Leave 3rd Offense + Harassment with Abusive History. He will respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. camer565

    camer565 New Member

    No he shot at me and allmost killd me before i threw the grenade he was also a t so
  4. Azure

    Azure Into each life some rain must fall. VIP

    That's not what happened. You got in a firefight with another innocent which you killed and then, over one minute later, you started throwing a bunch of grenade. Gallade hadn't shot at all. Logs shows that you killed him and damaged another innocent; lying in your appeal won't really help you.

  5. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Haha, I remember this one. Give me a bit, while I get my evidence.
  6. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    What's gucci, Camer?

    Let's get the ball rolling. We noticed that you really like playing with grenades, and you repeatedly would throw them around the map after us warning you multiple times.


    When I approached you what your reasoning for killing him was, you claimed "he was a t so i'm proven why are you slaying me." Okay, great. He was a T. But what led you to actually attack on him in the first place? That's the kicker: You had no reason. Here's the funny part; you attempted to lie to us, in which we shut you down right away, and you even tried it again on this very appeal!

    Thankfully, I picked up a fantastic admin that saves every log when we ban someone. @Azure, as my witness, checked the logs with me and noticed there was no firing going on, and that you were simply spamming grenades for no reason, thus leading to your multiple slays. Fun!

    But, you didn't like this one bit, did you?


    Have you ever shopped at a convenience store, and when you're trying to find an item, you ask the person working "Hey, listen here you piece of shit, I need some eggs. How about you get off of your ass and get me some fucking eggs, you worthless piece of trash." What's your success rate when doing so? 20%? 50%? The real percentage is probably about 15% you'll get what you want, and 85% you'll get absolutely nothing.

    For some reason, you took the initiative to harass the staff members attempting to help you, while we were trying to direct you to the proper places where you would find your information. I guess you were pretty upset over losing a few rounds, eh?


    This was warning number two, or as the Spanish ladies say it, "Numero Dos." I chose to not kick you because I figured you were just having a bad night, and I gave you another warning to not harass staff.

    And then, you left, after saying "fuck this."

    "Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners." - Laurence Sterne

    Listen bud, I love how this is your favorite server. I'm absolutely thrilled that you would pick us over everyone else. However, you have allotted 4 bans over the span of 7 hours, and I really think you need to read the rules a bit more.

    Your appeal has been denied. You may read over the rules while you wait, or tell ghost stories with your siblings. Whichever method lets you wait out a 10 week ban.

    We will see you again June 6th, 2015! :)

    Darktooth :greyalien:
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