Approved Caitlyn G.'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Caitlyn G., Feb 9, 2016.

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  1. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I don't even know why I am banned
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Will provide after knowing the reason​
  2. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Gimme a sec to gather my evidence
  3. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    Thank you, no reason was displayed, thought the last time it was.
    Got confused maybe it was the other Cait dunno >w>
  4. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    I joined the server in round 3 or 4 and there were multiple reports. As I was investigating these reports, a player messaged me about you shooting multiple players. Before I could report and question you, you left the server.

    The 2nd screenshot shows you damaging 3 different players. Mr.Baked, Luedrin, and MultiNuke.
    Can you explain why you shot these 3 people?
  5. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    Sorry for the late response, I had some things I needed to do.
    I think I know on which map these reports were made, the new Community Pool.

    It's very simple why I shot them, I was in the freezer in the kitchen (left at spawn). Doors were wide open, someone came in and just tried to shoot me. I closed the doors right away and went crazy with the door, also called for help. Some seconds after the first guy wanted to open the door, two others came in shooting at the closed door the whole time (which is traitor baiting). The reason I killed them was because they just wanted to kill me and I was stuck inside a dead end :/

    Don't know why they reported me for that, they didn't said a thing to me after the round. Only one of them said that you can't door spam like that, but I opened it some times, so it wouldn't be considered cheating (Basically I did the same as you can do in an elevator by just spamming the elevator keys).

    So I just shot at them for acting traitorous. as I stated earlier, they didn't report me or anything after the round ended. So I just left, not knowing that they would talk behind my back.

    (I've no video evidence of this all happening, I am still talking with Hello My Friend to setup a video recorder)

    If possible ask those three for video evidence, that will explain the entire thing.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  6. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    They could not report because there was no staff present and you did not kill any of them.

    How did they want to kill you? I checked the shot logs and none of them and were shooting before you shot them.

    How were they being traitorous? The 3 players you shot weren't shooting.
  7. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    Wex the first one, the initiator shot at the freezer spot, so I closed the door. The others that came in (there were 4 total) were shooting at the door. This is a traitorous act. These shots aren't in the logs as they didn't hit. What they did was traitor baiting.

    Wanted to add that the freezer door is bullet proof, it's the isolation door at Highway 67th
  8. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    The shots do not need to hit to appear in the shot logs. You may have shot the wrong players.
  9. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    Wex it's a dead end. Also the door has a window on it, I am 100% sure they were it. Ask them for video evidence or something, else it's considered WvW?
    And them being with 4players, it's likely their story doesn't match.

    You stated all the shooting was located in the log, well show the log then? You can't say things like that without prove/evidence.
  10. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    There are resources used to determine if traitor-baiting or shooting towards other players becomes Word vs Word. These resources are shot logs that show if the players were shooting, even if it does not hit another player or cause damage.

    Were you 100% sure that the players you shot were shooting towards you, or did you shoot them in suspicious because you thought they were the ones shooting at you?
  11. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    I am 100% sure the initiating player was shooting me. As far as it goes for the others I am not sure who shot me or who didn't, BUT they teamed up at shooting at door. They were with four players, I know 3 names because of those who reported, but I don't know the other one. So it's very likely one didn't shot the door, as I cannot see names through the door. But as far as I know they didn't leave the kitchen, meaning they were all Traitor.

    I still want to see those so called resources you stated multiple times.
  12. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    As you can see, you shot twice but only one of those shots hit. Mr.Baked had not shot at all before you shot him.
  13. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    Between 01:18 - 01:28 it says. There wasn't like an heavy fire fight at the beginning or anything like that.
    He may have shot earlier at it, I stood in the kitchen door that is kinda far away from the door.

    I will tell you the situation:
    1) I was hiding in the freezer trying to block everything with props
    2) Mr.Baked stood in the doorway of the kitchen to the main lobby.
    3) Mr.Baked opened fire at the freezer door
    4) I was at the door spam clicking and calling out for help (see chat log)
    5) He was trying to open door, in the prosses his body is clipping through the door
    6) I shot multiple times at the door when his arm/head clips through
    7) out of ammo, so I bought a shotgun (f3) -> got killed

    Action 1: was at the start of the round, I went straight into the freezer, buying a Colt (f3)
    Action 2: He was in the kitchen first but went to the door connecting the kitchen and main lobby
    Action 3: Initial shots
    Action 4-7: all happened after the initial shots.

    I am having those fake shooting glitches aswell, were the model goes into shooting animation. This doesn't make sound however, but he made a shooting sound.
    So can you check the time between 0:00 and 1:18 and look for shoots of mr.baked of someone else shooting the same gun close to me (making the glitch animation look realistic).

    I am still 100% he fired the initial shot. I wouldn't spend time otherwise.
    (Looking at my first ban, on the EU1 server)

    Is it still possible to get video evidence of Mr.Baked? Not video evidence of the other guys because he was the initiator that was alone and shot the initial shots.

    I know I am difficult ^w^!
  14. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    It is currently 5 am for me, and I will decide the verdict of this appeal when I wake up. Thank you for being patient.
  15. Caitlyn G.

    Caitlyn G. Member

    Thank you for the support.

    I am really tired aswell, even tho it's lik 11pm...
    Will try to answer your questions within 24 hours or wait 13 days
  16. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    After reading through all your responses, I have concluded that it is possible these players may have shot at you and that this situation is now considered Word vs Word. Unfortunately, the shotlogs aren't saved within the old logs so I can neither confirm nor deny these players had shot you more 10 seconds before you shot them.

    Your appeal has been accepted and the ban has been voided.
    In the future, please ask the staff member online if you're allowed to leave to avoid situations like these again.
    Thank you for being patient.
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