Denied BRICK(Trading)'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Falcon_XD, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    um i dont know y i am banned
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned globally by myself for "Toxic Behaviour". I have seen this and will be getting back to you as soon as I can. In the mean time thank you for being patient.
  3. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    how was i toxic i was afk for 20 min
  4. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    This was pertaining to the last 24 hours that you have been on the servers. Just because you were AFK for 20 minutes does not mean that all the time prior to that was ignored. Now I am just finishing up some real life things and will be gathering my evidence shortly so I ask of you that you be patient. I also ask that you keep this out of Shoutbox now.

    Thank you.
  5. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    ok but if it was prior to yesterday night then that was ony then i was not very toxic today other than eirler when azure was on and he calmed me down and made em not toxic when i was rdmed and harrased eariler today that was the only time and if its beacuse an hour agao where i was asking the mods about my binds they told me to change it and i did all my bings which is why i dont know why i am being banned and how long is it for? caus i would not like to miss the christmas spical cause it only a one time thing and thats the main reason why i bought vip was for it and when it runs out ill be getting elite so i dont want to miss it u can give me 20+ slays just dont make me miss the golden degal
  6. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    cause i missed the ak last year cause i dint get my own laptop till a week later it was over and it kinda bumbed me out so i dont want to miss this
  7. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Alrighty, thank you for being patient with me! I have now gathered all of my evidence for this appeal so let's get into it.

    Now over the course of the last 24 hours (It has actually been less but for arguments sake lets round it to 24 hours), you have managed to accumulate 3 bans. You can see these here. Please note that the days on there are different due to the fact that I live in Australia. Because of where you live it has all fallen into the one day, that being the 12/20/15.
    Now you appealed the two bans that were done by Jingle Bop and for reference sake you can find it here. In this appeal you had your spam pointed out and the harassment that you showed towards other players. In regards to the spam ban it was due to these binds being spammed.
    Now you even incriminated yourself and posted a demo of your actions which I even watched. You had spammed these binds at least 2 times excessively and due to the nature of these binds I felt it necessary that Jingle ban you for spam. If anything I was rather lenient in regards to this, as you calling people a "retard" and a "dumbfuck" is actually harassment and the fact you spammed it several times is unacceptable. Regardless I decided to keep to the spamming ban instead of the harassment one at my own discretion.

    Then you went and got yourself a 5 day ban for harassment, again by Jingle Bop and again that was dealt with in the appeal. You knew that what you had done was bad and you were even told that your binds were inappropriate however you seem to disregard all that as just a couple of hours ago you joined onto the servers yet again with a poor attitude. @Graxed was there at the time, as was @StarGazingNight. <3 and @Azure for some of it. Now, I had been told you and another player got into a heated argument about about someone not following a KOS of some kind and then you proceeded to call them a "retard" and the likes over mic. I don't have proof of that however what you did in chat, which I do have proof of, was more than enough for me to issue a 2 week global break for you.

    So lets talk about these said screenshots of what you said in chat over the course of the time that you were on the server. I would just like to address quickly, why there are some bits blacked on in these screenshots. This is because some of that information was rather sensitive and didn't pertain to this appeal in the slightest so for those reasons they have been 'removed' from them.

    So these are some of the things that you said in chat, via binds or not, they were still inappropriate and this is what lead to being muted.
    So as you can see, the same phrases from the previous spam ban show up here; "NO U DUMBFUCK" being one of them. After you aimed that towards a player you were muted and told by Graxed herself that this was not nice. You had already been told in your previous appeal that it wasn't nice then either. So why you had kept saying things like this is beyond me. But I digress, let me continue with the screenshots.

    Now Graxed, as you can see, asked you why you didn't just have the usual binds and I believe she also told you to change them as you even admitted in a comment on this appeal as seen here:
    So you claim that you changed your binds. But see this is where your comments are different and divert from the evidence that I have on hand because in the following screenshots, you can see that you changed the binds but are they any less offensive? Not in the slightest.
    So as you can see, you are now blatantly lying to me as I have solid proof that you changed them to something just as offensive. You had been told several times not to have binds like this, in the appeal and whilst you were in the server yet you did nothing to actually do as you were asked. You were asked to change them to something that wasn't offensive or rude and you completely ignored that. Instead you carried on being toxic in anyway that you could. Changing a bind from "KILL THIS FUCK NOT ME YOU DUMBASS" to "KILL THIS FUCK NOT ME U HETHIN" isn't actually changing it to something that isn't offensive and the fact that you think it is worries me.

    You have asked me to reconsider this ban and to lift it from you but in all honesty I see absolutely no reason why I should. You haven't changed your attitude in the slightest and you have a rather colourful ban history. This isn't the first time you have been banned for harassment and your attitude has not changed in the slightest even when you have been asked to in the past. Your behaviour that has occurred over the last 24 hours has indeed been extremely toxic and because of this I will be denying this appeal. You now have 2 weeks off of all of our servers. Use this time to consider your actions and actually change them because if there is more of this to happen in the future you will have an even lengthier break. If you have an questions or concerns feel free to start a forum conversation with myself. Ill be seeing you back on the servers in 2 weeks.

    Thank you, take care and happy holidays,

    Appeal: Denied
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