Discussion in 'Farewells' started by CMDRsprinkles, May 10, 2014.


Movie reviews todo when Im back.

  1. Spiderman 3

  2. WIckerman

  3. Ghost Rider

  4. The room

  5. Avengers

  6. Dark Knight RIses

  1. Im sorry to say my temporary good bye from the gang. Please hold all tours for the next two weeks while I take my leave of time from the cult republic and company to help my dad with himself. He needs his prodical son to return home and show father Odin his son can take the helm of the war with the asshole dog next door who keeps eating his plants.

    The cult is lead by law and kynwall the republic. Please help them where ever they need it. I hope to see my mod app approve when I return and hope as well that I will be the same. Napoleon and Ghenkis along with my wife will be with me on this adventure. I know this is last minute but keep the servers clean while Im gone. Please also add many helpful things such as skins and maps while Im gone.
    Love CMDRsprinkles.
    P>S> Potatoes
  2. Goodbye sprinkles i hope to see you on smite.
  3. Aboose!

    Aboose! Floral shirts, Dads and sleeveless sweaters are IN VIP

    Be safe jimmy!
  4. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Bye, sprinkles. D:
  5. -spud-

    -spud- Banned

    Jesus christ legogamer, that sig should either be removed or focused to be resized. There's big, then there's that.
  6. Whoop that dogs ass.