Denied Bobbobson's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Bobbobson, May 30, 2020.

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  1. Bobbobson

    Bobbobson Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was Afk for about half an hour helping around the house when i came back to being banned for meta-gaming which i do not know what is means till now but did not have any warning against me before hand.
    i should be unbanned as i was afk and did not do anything against the rules as i was afk.
    Oh and i was being RDMed a lot before admins joined which i reported all instances of.
    also meta-gaming means i was acting out of line of my character which i was not as it is not that big of a role playing game using what you know to gain a unfair advantage which i have not done nor will do
    in the rules i can find no rule against calling out T buddies but only on referencing killing them which i did not do. also the admin did not follow the punishments for first, second, third punishments and was straight banned. but i feel i did nothing wrong by following the rules by not killing my T buddies. and the admin was overzealous with my punishments with me having no active slays or punishment
    and since there is no mention of meta-gaming before in any of the rules i feel like that is not a thing that can be punished for. or all players who say another player is a T without proof should be banned like me.
    i now you will not read this but it makes me feel better that i know i did nothing wrong unlike your admins​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Nothing as there was no rule broken and so i can not provide evidence that does not exist
    an innocent man does not need evidence that he was not doing a crime that is the reporting party to muster up
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
  2. Reda-Lex

    Reda-Lex sup, China ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Administrator VIP

    @Pixie.Danni banned you for Metagaming, please wait for their response.
  3. Pixie.Dimi

    Pixie.Dimi Sleepy and in need of cuddles VIP

    Hello there!
    Ok you was ban for Metagaming. We was on the last round on the map Nuke Town and you reported Big_Elk for killing you. Their response claimed you called out all of your T buddies which gave the innocent players the correct people to kill. As you can see from here, both the players you called out as T ( as well as yourself) were T's and so it is Metagaming.
    I will not be accepting your appeal today and it will not be void.
    Many thanks, Pixie.Danni.

  4. Pixie.Dimi

    Pixie.Dimi Sleepy and in need of cuddles VIP

    @Bobbobson I have reopened this appeal, Please do not make another one.
  5. Bobbobson

    Bobbobson Member

    i already made a new one when this was reopened as i did not have time to look into the rules before it was closed
  6. Bobbobson

    Bobbobson Member

    can you point out where in the rules there is a mention of meta-gaming?
  7. Bobbobson

    Bobbobson Member

    where exactly does it meantion do not call out your T buddies
  8. Pixie.Dimi

    Pixie.Dimi Sleepy and in need of cuddles VIP

    1. Toxic Gameplay is playing the game how it's not meant to be played; ruining the fairness and enjoyment.
    2. Metagaming is committing any action to intentionally help the other team win the game.
    3. PUNISHMENT: The punishments for Metagaming and Toxic game play are up to an Admin's Discretion. We will often weigh theseverity of the situation before making a judgement. Usually, repeated offenses will benecessary for us to take action.
  9. Pixie.Dimi

    Pixie.Dimi Sleepy and in need of cuddles VIP

    I am now closing this appeal. Your ban again shall not be approved or voided. If you feel like I have handled this wrong please feel free to report me.
  10. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Also just to clear up your confusion about the rules:

    Now the example says "Helping a Traitor kill Innocent"
    Its natural that it works the other way around too, helping "Innocents Kill Traitors as a Traitor"
    Which is what you did, by calling out your T buddies.
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