Denied BJbenny's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by BJbenny, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. BJbenny

    BJbenny Active Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Turquoise banned me for 2 days for harassment. But I only got one warning so the next step is kicking. A 2 day ban isn't even on the list of repercussions for harassment. It's almost like he pulled an arbitrary number out of thin air.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    @Turquoise will respond at his earliest convenience.

    You were banned for 1 day, not 2. And for future reference, your Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:43271609
  3. BJbenny

    BJbenny Active Member

    It said 2 days when I tried to rejoin, thats odd. Regardless, the next step is a kick.
  4. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Hey there @BJbenny. As you know and are highly aware of, I banned you for harassment. Initially I had warned you for harassing another player going by the name of Cold Hooves for mentioning something about him 'not being gay enough' for something, I don't really recall currently over what. After I warned you, you decided to call me 'an introverted retard.' I wasn't that shocked considering your history of harassment towards players honestly, but that's besides the point. I muted you due to this, and once I decided to take that course of action continued with something that didn't seem offensive quite at all in a private message towards me. I gave a slight response towards you about it, and then your last comment...well, that's the rudest of all. Though I don't mind that you call me any of this, I have to follow the protocol towards this. Although, addmitedly, I did mute you instead of kicking you. I had warned, muted, and then promptly after your last response I did ban you. I apologize for dodging protocol, as you've already stated, but you were also attempting to harass others in my earlier play session with you earlier, which I didn't snag screenshots of. Tagging @The Seventh in case he feels like I have wronged you in the worst possible way.

    And tagging @Highwon since I really feel like that last comment is just...well, to put it lightly, rude.
  5. BJbenny

    BJbenny Active Member

    Yea I'm still confused how you thought my comment was harassing Cold Hooves. It was the exact opposite of an insult. I'm curious if he even mentioned the word harassment after I said it. But my conclusion remains the same, if you followed what the rules specifically say are punishments, we wouldn't be in this situation. And to touch on the statement reflecting my actions earlier, that's a case that should've been settled when it was relevant. (Not to mention the fact that I have no idea what situation you're referring to so unfortunately it's a 'word v. word' case.)
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Just to add a little input, it looks like there's three offenses of harassment, which would have both result in an 8 hour ban. The punishments used to be a warn, mute 1 round, and finally, a ban. However, I feel that a kick would not have changed the outcome of this event.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  7. BJbenny

    BJbenny Active Member

    Oh I love playing the "what if game". What if I was punished correctly according to the server rule list? Who knows. The only thing we know are the facts in front of us and that is Turquoise didn't follow the order of punishment and now I'm banned because of it.
  8. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Simple. You are calling another player a douche, and you're also saying he's 'not gay enough' for being a player among the rank of staff on our servers. That in itself I would deem harassment, even if the player didn't care about you referring to them like that. I don't see how that would be a compliment, but the world is messed up in quite a few ways, so interpretation is different among many. Anyway, back on topic and once more, if @The Seventh doesn't find anything else wrong with how I handled the situation other than me avoiding the kick part, I will deny this appeal. Mainly due to the fact that it's only on one of our four servers, and it's only for a day.
  9. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Mango brings up a good point. Turquoise did go against current protocol, but the 2nd mute can be viewed as a second (and nicer) warning to stop your harassment. Even after being muted in global chat, you persisted to harass the staff member and insulted him and the one who owns the community through private messaging. Seems like it warranted a 3rd offense punishment to me, but we'll let @The Seventh decide.
  10. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    As Mango has done, i will add some input as well.

    You are known to be impatient and disrespectful, this ban does not surprise me. Although you may think something you say is not harassment, that person you are targeting may take offense to it and not speak up about it. I personally try and never say anything that could offend, i suggest you try the same.
  11. BJbenny

    BJbenny Active Member

    Its the principle of the matter, I really don't care about a day. I could very easily just play on East server. But that isn't really the point. "... doesn't find anything else wrong with how I handled the situation other than me avoiding the kick part, ..." You really said it all right there, that's the only thing you did wrong, so I'm not really sure why you worded it in such a way that there was more I was complaining about. Another thing I find odd is you deny the appeal yet you are the party in question... I'm sure you can see why that doesn't make any sense, regardless if you talked to a third party or not.
  12. BJbenny

    BJbenny Active Member

    Doesn't really matter how it "can" be viewed, it matters how I view it. And I viewed it as another warning. See the issue? It leaves too much open for debate. Now if Turquoise did what the server rule list states, there is nothing to debate.
  13. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    This doesn't explain why you harassed Turquoise after giving you another warning for your constant harassment, you could have been kicked. Can you explain that? And why you shouldn't have been banned? Why do you think a remark like that would be acceptable anywhere?
  14. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If you're going to complain about his punishment practice, then report it. You just said yourself that you do not care about the ban.

    Here's how I view it. There were three offenses of harassment. Whether he managed to properly punish you in between each offense doesn't matter; it's just like RDM. If a player RDMs twice, but two separate rounds and the staff member is waiting for a response to a report, then they get three slays. With you, I can see two instances of no chance of a punishment given between the two. There's no "what if" about this situation. You earned your ban regardless of the protocol followed.
  15. BJbenny

    BJbenny Active Member

    Simply put, I don't care if I'm kicked. But I wasn't, instead I was wrongfully banned.

    Oh but it does matter when one of the punishments is a kick. Because of the lack of a kick, I had no idea where I stood on the punishment "ladder".
  16. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Actually you'd be in the exact same situation seeing how even if he replaced the kick with a mute, it is still your 3rd offense of harassment. It doesn't matter if it was a kick or a mute, the harassment should have never happened in the first place, and considering how long you've been on our servers, I would think you would know that by now. Your responses have made it evident that you're clearly pushing the rules to the point where you won't have to serve excessive punishments. It's clear that Turquoise understands that his mistake and that he should have followed protocol, but I'll talk to him and I'm sure he'll try his best not to make that mistake again.

    You keep trying to loophole your way out of it by calling it a "compliment", but we both know that it isn't the case and that you're simply trying to work your way out of punishments. The fact remains that you took the time to harass multiple people after multiple warnings and that is why you were banned. I highly suggest you change your way of playing and your behavior, as it's toxic to the community and you've built up quite the reputation of being disrespectful. You've still gone out of your way to harass people and that fact has not changed. This ban will not be lifted and you'll serve the full length. The appeal has been denied.
  17. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Turquoise didn't follow exact protocol for harassment but in the end achieved the same result. The proper protocol for harassment:
    • warn
    • kick
    • ban 1 day
    • ban 5 days
    This is the proper protocol for spam:
    • gag/mute, warn, ungag/unmute
    • gag/mute 1 round
    • gag/mute 2 rounds
    • ban 8 hours
    It's likely he took repeated offenses of spam or simply mixed up the two protocols.
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