Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by BESTIRAQIGAMER, Sep 17, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    i killed 2 people that round one who is a t named allu he started shooting me and another guy was shooting near the doors . logs say he didnt shoot . but i killed him . instead of getting a slay or two hell let it be 4 you decide to ban me for mass rdm that i didnt commet . id say the guy wasnt shooting since the logs say he didnt . id say i did rdm . but its for sure not third offence and for sure not a mass rdm i dont deserve the ban . i told you to slay me how ever many times you wish but no ban which i also dont deserve many bans because i killed only one .. id say im much more than a regular im online more than you are , its a ban that i dont deserve and everyone know by now when i deserve it id tell you to slay me after you ask ,
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Rek

    Rek Ø

    @Guilty banned you for mass rdm (3), he'll respond as soon as possible!

    Keep in mind if the logs say someone didn't shoot, they didn't shoot.
    Also, if you deserve a slay the staff online will give it to you, you don't ask for it- we give it.

    Thanks for being patient sir! :)
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hello @BESTIRAQIGAMER ! Thank you for making this appeal!

    Let's talk about your appeal. I was also training @evildeanius on the server during the time so he investigated many of the reports on you. The reason I banned you was because you reached 3 offenses of RDM during the session you played. The first offense was on Minecraft Haven, where a report was made on you. You responded with what is shown in the report below. As you can see, the victim you killed didn't throw a discombobulator during the period. This is where slay number one comes in.

    The 2nd RDM was given to you on Minecraft b5, which you even admitted to the RDM and asked for the slay. This became your 2nd offense of RDM, which got you 2 slays. You and I talked about why you got 2 slays during the time. I unfortunately do not have the screenshots of the report due to having to restart my computer, but you were there (and Evildeanus can also confirm). The old logs are also not working so I cannot provide the logs of that instance.

    The 3rd and final RDM came from a player named Snacky666. The report is also shown below.

    The problem with your response? Well, Snacky never damaged you. To first confirm, I chose to filter out the logs and look for only instances with your name on it. The logs of that are shown below.

    As shown by these logs, you weren't damaged for 20 at all. To be even more curious, I chose to look at the whole logs during that instance. Below are the screenshots that lead up to that instance.


    Interested in this, I also chose to message you about the whole thing and we had a conversation about what happened. You thought he damaged you as you stated in our conversation. Interested by the results, I even chose to take screenshots of the shots logs of that round (warning, lots of screenshots).

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    After our conversation as well as looking at the shots logs, it is shown you had indeed RDMed Snacky considering you thought that he damaged you, which prompted you to kill him on suspicion. The report on Allahu however was invalid. If it was valid, then your one day ban would have turned into a 5 day ban. With that 3rd offense of RDM, you received a one day ban. RDM offenses do not reset upon map change and as a result, these offenses continued to stack against you. Even if you are a regular, I still unfortunately do not see a full reason on why you should be unbanned. As a result, I will be denying your appeal. Your one day ban however, isn't global and you still have access to our other servers besides EUnilla for the time being. With all that in mind, this appeal will be locked at your acknowledgement.

    Your appeal is denied.

    Until then, cheers!
    Sincerely, Guilty
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
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