Denied Bashful's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Bashful, Nov 27, 2015.

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  1. Bashful

    Bashful New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Well because the reason for my ban was really shit
    I wanted to prevent delaying as the last T was afk and PM-ed a guy about it although it was really like seconds before the haste time
    Think i deserve to be unbanned because i dont really ghost with anyone and dont break rules on purpose either
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    Hey, you were banned for Ghosting (First Offence) By @C.A.Anna Please be patient while you wait for her reply:)
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald


    Also, I don't have the logs of it, but I am fairly certain it was closer to a minute being left in the round before overtime started when Nilz spoke up and said, "Oh, he is Bashful? Is he the know what, I won't even ask." I unfortunately don't have evidence of this event. However, the player that was AFK had just went AFK-as in they had been actively playing earlier that map-meaning they could have returned at any moment before OT started and they would have already been sold out thanks to Bashful's PM. ​
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
  4. Bashful

    Bashful New Member

    Lol Mango its not like i did not admit, stop being so pathetic
    you could actually read the thread before you post anything
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I did read the thread, but I wanted to post the evidence for the staff members to review; obviously that's what goes on appeals and not just "/"
  6. Bashful

    Bashful New Member

    Its not like you actually know what happened
    Your evidence is pure bullshit
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I was there when he was talking to you and when you both admitted to the PM occurring. My evidence is of you admitted.

    This is the last post of mine on this report, because you are obviously too worked up about this to calmly post on your own appeal.
  8. Bashful

    Bashful New Member

    Why is the evidence needed?
    Have i not admitted in this thread already
    Just dont respond anymore please
  9. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Hello there Bashful,

    Thanks for taking the time to appeal this ban. Let's get started.

    So we are on Nether and it is round 5 when I hear that someone told @nilz some information that he didn't know. I was told that you PMed nilz that the person who was AFK, was the last T by nilz himself via admin chat as seen here. I have outlined the conversation in red so that you can follow along easier.
    The issue here is, even though nilz admitted to the server that he was going to kill the guy when overtime began, he didn't know that the player was a T. You gave him information that he was unaware of. Unfortunately nilz would not comply on giving me a screenshot of the evidence when I asked him to, however you happily admitted to it and with that said I banned you. You attempted to brush it off like it wasn't a big deal, even nilz claims that "this is some very minor shit" but let me tell you it isn't. The information you gave away had the potential to drastically change the outcome of the round.

    Now I want to address some things in your appeal.

    You wanted to prevent delaying however your way of going about it was completely wrong. If you want to stop delays from happening you should pm a staff member to issue warnings, not take it into your own hands and give information to a player like you did. Haste mode had not even finished at this point so I was not all that worried in regards to the player delaying. I had plans to issue a warning if, when I looked at the logs, there had not been any T activity in a little while. However this was not the case. Regardless you should not have pmed nilz that kind of information.

    You claim that you didn't really ghost with anyone but what you did exactly what our rules state that ghosting is.
    You did exactly that, you pmed nilz information that he was not yet aware of. So really you broke the rules. On purpose or not and regardless of your intentions you went about it the wrong way. You should never have sent him the message that you did.

    I honestly see no reason to remove this ban from you. You have 52 hours of play time on our servers which is more than enough time for you to have read the rules. You should have known that doing something like this would have some major repercussions. Your attitude towards this appeal is also anything less than ideal. I will give you the chance to respond to this before I lock the thread but even so, I will be denying this appeal. If, after I lock this thread, you have any more questions or concerns feel free to contact me by starting a conversation on the forums.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Open (awaiting a final response)
  10. Bashful

    Bashful New Member

    I dont see the reason to keep the ban, but as you like it then
  11. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You broke the rules. Ghosting is not something we take lightly on our severs, hence the 4 weeks punishment for a first offence. What you told nilz had the potential to ruin a T's round and thus could have changed the entire outcome of that round had nilz acted on your information. The fact that you don't see how what you did was bad enough to keep the ban on you worries me. I would suggest you read our rules again and familiarise yourself with them more. I would also refrain from doing something like this again in the future.

    I will now be locking the thread. You are more than welcome to play on our 5 other servers whilst you serve out your ban on EU as this is not a global ban. Feel free to start a conversation with me here on the forums as you see fit.

    Again thank you,

    Thread: Locked
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