Banning for RDM/Leave is wrong in every aspect...

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by =|BGO|= Infinitynull, Mar 21, 2016.


Should this be added? Don't reply with hatred, vote instead.

  1. Yes I think it's a good idea.

    1 vote(s)
  2. No it's a horrible idea!

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Even a massive RDM & Leave doesn't call for a banishment. Accidental RDM happens, alot. So does intentional RDM. Punishment for Random Death Match is needed without a doubt. But what if a person is waiting for a slay and their computer crashes, restarts, Gmod crashes. Or their mum comes and rips the cord out of the wall. Or simply they want to play another game and they have less than four gigs of ram.

    It isn't fair to force a player to play a game, I wouldn't think that the Serious TTT staff promotes afk players in their they? ~ Another argument for another day.

    Simply you need the save a slay script, it's easy to make. Make it so that the slay will waiting for the person. Once he rejoins he will have to wait that round before he can play.

    In conclusion it is not fair or right for banning a player for RDM/Leave in any situation.
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  2. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    This is a SERIOUS TTT community. What would be the point in calling themselves serious if they things slide? Accidental RDM is STILL RDM, whether it be for 1 or 100 dmg. They have set rules that make it to where players know that they cant get away with stuff like this. As for the "mom ripping the chord out of the wall", that is your fault. What are you talking about less than four gigs of RAM? That doesnt have anything to do with RDM and leave bans. As for the "wait to see if they come back", most mods here know the regular players. If a regular player rdms and leaves, (if they have a good history) they will sometimes wait a round or two to see if they come back.
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  3. If you were banned for RDM and leave for reasons out of your control, there is something called a "ban appeal" which people can make.

    Furthermore, there is a reason RDM and leave is not a permaban. People are meant to come back if they want to, provided they do not RDM and after they serve their ban.

    Making a slay wait for a person encourages them to RDM and then just come back whenever they'd like to serve a slay. RDM and leave appears to be more harshly punished because one cannot exact a slay on a player who has already left - that is, they cannot be targeted by the slay script. This is seen as an attempt to circumvent a slay.

    Such a script would require a database of all players on the server, offline and online, and would need to be integrated with adminstats to see who has been slain and served their slay and so on. This just seems like too much work to be worth it.
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  4. "This is a SERIOUS TTT community. What would be the point in calling themselves serious if they things slide? Accidental RDM is STILL RDM, whether it be for 1 or 100 dmg. They have set rules that make it to where players know that they cant get away with stuff like this" That was off topic and totally irrelevant.

    "What are you talking about less than four gigs of RAM? That doesnt have anything to do with RDM and leave bans." Obviously you are not reading.
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
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  5. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    We have the RDM and Leave punishment for those who do not feel they have to stay for any punishment. If they took a players round by RDM it is only fair they have to sit out a round.
    Now if they don't want to serve this punishment and leave, how is this fair to the other player they took a round from.

    If they have to leave or a vengeful mother, our staff team has protocols they abide by and even some leniency.
    The player can always let the staff on know they're having pc issues. Or tell them they have to go and can ask to serve the slay later.
    We also have an excellent appeals section. Where our staff members reply almost instantaneously and will discuss your ban.

    Unless you are a repeat offender they will more then likely accept your appeal. We understand issues happen. And most games have a crash log which can prove you crashed.

    It is not fair for someone to RDM and then Leave unpunished.
    Our servers do keep slays on people after they leave.
    There are many times people get karma banned with slays on them or something comes up where the staff member on has no choice but to leave while slays are being served and so a player will leave with a slay still in progress.
    Many times people will join a server realize they have a slay then leave again immediately. (We do not ban these people, as the staff member on was not the one who issued the slay)

    A lot of players have nothing inclining them to stay on a server they have a slay waiting for them.

    In conclusion it is not fair for a player to RDM and then Leave.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. First of all I don't think half the re-pliers here are reading the whole post even with this script you are being slain! You are being SLAIN, it's just when you come back. No matter what you are being S L A I N!! I am going to have to ask anyone here replying to read the whole post.

    "Such a script would require a database of all players on the server, offline and online, and would need to be integrated with adminstats to see who has been slain and served their slay and so on. This just seems like too much work to be worth it." ~ I've seen it on alot of servers. Surely with all the donations someone can be payed if the skill doesn't reside within the Serious TTT staff members.
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Yes, you're being slain. That's correct, but do you realize the one fatal flaw with your argument? It's this:

    That's only if the player decides to come back and serve their slay. If they don't wish to serve it then they simply decide not come back to our servers. The reason why these ban lengths increase in length is so that these players realize we do not take the matter lightly. Those who do wish to continue to play on our servers immediately, do what Falcor mentioned previously, which is making ban appeals or contacting the Staff Member present.
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  8. For me it's not been an issue, I don't RDM then Leave. Kyogre you are the first with a educated response. And a valid point in the other direction.
    • Dumb Dumb x 7
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    I read the whole post.

    The current system works well. It keeps the troll players from ruining other players experience on the servers.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    You are one single person and do not represent every single player. Your title is also very click-batey. Generalizing players that leave with a slay and arguing against a ban for something you think may have happened is not how you go about a discussion.
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  11. "You are one single person and do not represent every single player. Your title is also very click-batey. Generalizing players that leave with a slay and arguing against a ban for something you think may have happened is not how you go about a discussion." I don't think you realize the point of a suggestion. Or an opinion in that matter.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  12. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    However I heard of another server that instead of banning places hundreds of slays on someone.

    That's so unorganized lol.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  13. I am thankful that my TTT home doesn't do that....Serious TTT that is.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    You can reply to comments or even use the handy "insert quotes" button.

    You do realize you suggested this idea based off a faulty premise yes? Your premise being the very first paragraph of your OP. For a suggestion to be even remotely considered a discussion needs to take place, hence why you made this thread?

    Edit: I don't think you realize where you have posted.
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  15. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    If it was an accident and the first time a lot of staff are lenient on the ban appeal. And even if the appeal is denied the player can play on any of the other 6 servers. It's the peeps who rdm and leave multiple times in 3 months that end up with the long global bans. Playing TTT is a commitment, like a comp game on cs:go, you're committing to 2 rounds in case you accidentally RDM. Having players go afk isn't really a problem since AFK point farming is allowed anyways
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Let me break it down with a sick animeme, which is the most common way (MEMES) to communicate to the community that is SGmod. Pretend this picture represents RDM


    As you can see, waifu 1 is making a kowai face for no reason within a cafe setting... Just like how you see any random terrorist in a peaceful road, building, plain of grass shoot some unsuspecting motherfucker (waifu 2 spitting drink as a reaction). What does this warrant? As you stated, a punishment! What if waifu 1 gets a call from momma, does that mean they're not going to get the punishment as she swiftly gets away? What if waifu 1 is unplugged from life for 2 hours due to her brain malfunctioning? She gets punishment! So, if these occurrences were to happen how long must we wait to dish the damage towards the offender? The current situation has that staff members will wait a few rounds to give the person a chance to return! If they don't, they can simply do the following: Make a forum report, Add the staff member who banned them, get it settled ASAP! This person could return 6 days from now due to reasons, they must be punished! They're going to get a RDM&L 1 on their record while still needing to serve the slay (If the slay was implemented before the leave). Therefore, no matter what waifu 1 does, a proper punishment is given by waifu 2 as you can see. They'll get damaged immediately with a slay, or their record tarnished with an RDM&L that's never resolved because no effort was ever given. The punishment is always applied properly! I hope my animeconomics has shown you the light. Btw, I'd say 9/10 people who respond to this who isn't you are saying the most reasonable shit.

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
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  17. Haha so much anime and hatred. I expected educated people with educated responses, I guess maybe in a perfect world.

    Alright for the flaming hatred and uneducated responses I am asking everyone to instead vote. Unless you think you are an educated person with a valid point. You will be called out if the response is anything but.
    • Dumb Dumb x 13
    • Old Old x 2
  18. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    Posting on an asinine suggestion based off of faulty reasoning = hatred.

    Loving the dumb ratings. Real quality posting m8.
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  19. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Who the fuck compares Anime to RDM? An educated person can. You're welcome.

    Call me out fam I'm ready. I'll do another anime comparsion rn. I'll take you to animeducation in RDM son. It'll be just like lightning.
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  20. You make me laugh
    For someone wanting educated posts you love stooping down to the level of "I can't take the heat because you're not sophisticated enough" Guess we all are hypocrites in this world eh? + it's a public forum so get what you get and don't pitch a god damn INVALID FIT
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