Approved BananaCoconuts's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by BananaCoconuts, May 7, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I said in adminchat "Last T is AFK"
    Sir Lemoncakes made extreme Force Spectate
    Vivacious is AFK
    Vivacious moves
    i get banned for ghosting
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    I will post the evidence of your Ghosting in a bit when I get off of the server. I gave you the smallest possible ban for the offense you committed given your lengthy ban history. That being a month on a single server. Given that you felt it was necessary to appeal this deserved ban I am now considering extending the ban to 8 weeks and globalizing. You obviously do not understand or appreciate the fact that I took your ban and gave you as much lenience as possible.
  3. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Honestly if he simply said "last T is afk" in admin chat, I wouldn't consider it ghosting.

    He provided no names, just stated something that needed staff attention, since otherwise it'd result in delay. It'd be the same if someone said "so and so is stuck, TP him" or "so and so is blocking me, TP him".

    As admins have stated before, as staff sometimes we need to take a step back and put our staff duties before our game duties. If you feel that his admin message gave you an unfair advantage (IE, you were inno and alive), you should probably go spectate mode and take care of the AFK, not hand out a ghosting ban....

    If I banned every player who ever said "last T is afk" in pm/admin chat, there'd be a lot of banned regulars. Including some former staff.
  4. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Let me refer to:

    We really need to get off our high horses for people accidentally ghosting in admin chat when they're just trying to help. Sure, they may have ruined the round for the staff member alive - but what's one round? Is losing one round really enough for you to ban him for a month?
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Agreed. If he said, "Last T is AFK" it doesn't state where or who the last traitor is, so you really couldn't tell.
  6. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Depending on the circumstances it tells you there is only one T left, which if you didn't already know is info you shouldn't have. Staff ghost all the time without realizing it - I'm referring to the notification and noise when a report is submitted. I use that to gain info I couldn't have known(not willingly, it's there so I'm kind of forced to consider it no matter how much I try not to).
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Knowing if there is only one t left is easy process of elimination; not ghosting. Players know how many traitors there are at the start of the round and can cross them off as they are killed.
  8. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    I also think admin chat shouldn't be ghosting when players are asking for help. Also doesn't extending his ban because he appealled seem.... spiteful?
  9. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    But if someone doesn't take the time to do the process of elimination or hasn't finished it yet and get's informed, that is ghosting. Not saying it's severe, but by the clarification definition it's ghosting. There are alot of factors that make it hard to know how many Ts are left.
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    But it's not giving them information that they do not have access to.
  11. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Just because they can find it out doesn't mean it isn't ghosting.
  12. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    He said "The last T is afk". Followed by, "Nevermind, the last T started moving again." This had happened when there was only one person who wasn't moving and immediately started moving right before banana said something. Thus letting us all know exactly who the T was.
  13. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Okay. That'd be ghosting. Ban deserved.
  14. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Ban appeal denied. Given the belligerence with which you had conducted yourself in game, and the blatant attempt to avoid rightful punishment in light of a severely shortened ban period, I have decided to extend the ban to its rightful length and globalize the ban.
  15. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    I don't support this resolution. I would love to see an example of his "belligerence".

    There was no attempt to avoid rightful punishment. It's simply a player who's trying to get an AFK dealt with, and then when the AFK comes back he revokes his request as he doesn't want the person accidentally slain/spectated. There was no intentional ghosting as far as I can see.

    We need to update asay to prevent this stuff from happening. I'll talk with Highwon.
  16. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Ban appeal has been set to approved. We decided that while it was by definition ghosting I should punish for intent rather than by the book. In the future this will be handled with a warning and nothing more. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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