
Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by cortana55, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. cortana55

    cortana55 Banned

    For your information i got banned for 5 days no reason maybe because rdm reports? Yea but thats bullshit most of my rdms was a mistake i see people shoot i kill them dont blame me and if my t mates walk into my trip mines thats not rdm I would love to be unban
  2. Sam

    Sam VIP

    I think I can speak for everyone when I say,you show a lot of negative attitude and tbh you're a jerk to mods and players in general. I recieved ~15 reports concerning you this week only.
    I strongly suggest you take a break and fix your way of playing.It's highly unlikely that you would be unbanned since this isn't the first time nor second or third.
  3. cortana55

    cortana55 Banned

    How about you let someone els reply you and wolv never were nice to me yous needa show me some respect
  4. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    You turned into a troublemaker all of a sudden, what happened?
  5. cortana55

    cortana55 Banned

    Im sorry i just made mistake rdm unban me :( also evryones so mean to me it makes me angry aka chowder and sam and wolv thay abuse me
  6. cortana55

    cortana55 Banned

    Plz unban idk if you need my steam id or i dont know how to get it but please ile be good :(

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