Nameitbull SID:dont know i got banned a few minutes ago from west for hacking (esp) by tsu i wanna know why ?(and if you can remove it)
Seeing how you were following players through walls and aiming at them WITHOUT radar (I checked, you didn't buy one), I'm going to have to DENY this ban appeal.
omg do even use common knowlage i was in the sniper fight with a guy he said go try to kill him (me) well i was trying to check for him on the ground and i remember where i aimed
you know what fuck you, you just banned from a server that i havent ever fired a gun yet and you fuckin banned me fuck you, fuckin abusive admins bitch
Okay here's a few points. You didnt "remember" where he was while sniping. He ran away from his initial position. You tracked him through a wall, and was aiming directly at him once he stopped, again behind a wall. You did not have radar. Then you joined east. And while a T, again, you started aiming at people/looking at groups of people through a wall. If you're going to hack, please do not make it that obvious.
Okay you were innocent. Doesn't change the fact you were following players through walls. Don't use ESP kids, it'll get you banned.