Ban appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by mleynek19, Jan 21, 2014.

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  1. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    Your In Game Nickname: mleynek19
    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50178195
    Which Server: West

    Why should you be unbanned: I was banned from what I have to assume was RDM. I was in a tree on the winter office map, while trying to select back to my Deagle, I accidentally threw a frag grenade. I have seen this happen before when I try to switch to something else while having a weapon out and the weapon will be fire when i left click to select new item. the frag that was thrown hit an innocent and killed them. did not mean to RDM that player
    Evidence of innocence: no evidence really, just hoping im not the only one who has experienced this
  2. You have been banned for Mass RDM for 2 weeks
    Truth of the matter is that I have no idea who banned you since the ban states CONSOLE
    I guess the staff member who banned you will respond to this at their earliest convenience if they remember that they did it.
  3. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    I sure hope so, it's not like I mean to RDM, in most cases RDM from me is from jihad :(
  4. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

  5. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    how in the heck did I do that????

    no way that one grenade did all that
  6. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    So you're saying logs are lying now?
  7. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    i am not saying that, but from what i saw before the grenade killed me was only one or two other players near it, unless the blast went thru the walls or there were 7 players behind my back, idk how that happened
  8. Whyku

    Whyku Active Member

    I thought CONSOLE was Highwon?
  9. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    well, guess i will be back in 14 days, still dont see how it happened but i guess frags are insanely powerful, i will remember that when i get back
  10. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    He was banned for low karma, that's why I didn't add a * & Leave* after or else it'd be 1 month if he *mass rdm & left*
  11. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Console can be Highwon, sometimes. If a player is banned by Karma before receiving a Mass RDM ban, then the ban will show that Console was what issued the ban; an auto-ban system.

    On a side note. You're only banned on the west server. I'm sure you're welcome to play on the server's two other servers in the meantime.
  12. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    Uhh I global banned him for some reason.. I changed it to West only.

    Feel free to play on West 2, do keep in mind, if you somehow do that a 3rd time, it'll be global.
  13. Just a tip.
    As an inno.
    Dont throw frags, incins, discombs.
    As a matter of fact, don't do anything that can hurt people if you have no reason to hurt them.
  14. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    i didn't leave, was banned so it auto booted me
  15. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    i did not mean to throw it though, was banned before i could send my side of the story

    "Why should you be unbanned: I was banned from what I have to assume was RDM. I was in a tree on the winter office map, while trying to select back to my Deagle, I accidentally threw a frag grenade. I have seen this happen before when I try to switch to something else while having a weapon out and the weapon will be fire when i left click to select new item. the frag that was thrown hit an innocent and killed them. did not mean to RDM that player"
  16. Sinora

    Sinora VIP

    We never said you left, you are banned for RDM as you were karma banned, and as the screen shot shows, you hurt alot of players. RDM does stand for Random Death Match, but there is no such thing as Attempted RDM. Its just RDM or not RDM. When you dmg someone with an unjust cause, its considered RDM, even if it doesn't kill them. So, going back to the screen shot, you damaged 6 players, meaning 6 counts of RDM. Now, IAW our MOTD, RDMx4+ is a five day ban for a first offence, two weeks for the second. Though it may be an accident, the ban was just, as your thoughts were "I'm going to switch my weapon" , but your actions was "I'm going to throw this frag." . But from this appeal, you may or may not get a chance to play on west again, given Angel wants to lift the ban.
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