If you've been here for some time and you saw many people leave, and they weren't seen for weeks/months, tag them here. Let's all share our feelings with everyone. @tollybear
@Nummy @Magafe jkjkjkjkjkkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk on those, but umm... Fuck I really can't think of any right now. I would say @Robert! paulson! but he's back <3
@bobasawr @Collinmrcc @MegatroN [Apollo] @Spectral @Natsu | SF @Ahpux @ComPeter Edit: @Chrissyleecious
Forgot a few. @Jihad Joe @tollybear @Collinmrcc @Ahpux he literally lives an hour north of me T_T @Amazing @Cupcake Mayhem @MasterTail @Asty The guy who originally recruited me as moderator T_T