Average Age of Serious TTT

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Preacher, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Preacher

    Preacher Member

    I am just wondering what the average age of the mods/admins who operate Serious TTT.

    Also the average age of the players who frequent it on a regular basis.

    Personally Im 28 yrs old with 3 kids, and Ive been married 8 years. I am attempting to find out if Im a minority here. It "seems" that there is a million kids a day on the TTT servers. Im not sure if its something to do with it being on Garry's mod, or if its this server set in general.
  2. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    Me myself am 14 and the average age is around 17 or 18 while 13 is the youngest and 26? Is the oldest.
  3. Ages of Player I know Not in order

    Preacher - 28
    Mango Tango - 26
    Shades - 16
    Smithk - 23
    Silent Rebel - 20
    Slippery - 18
    GoffyNathan - 12
    Eduardo - 14
    BananaCoconuts - 14
    Magafe - 13
    RebleGam3z - 15
    Krys - 26
    Asty - 15
    Event Horizon - 19
    PsychoPanda - 15
    Amazing - 15
    Master Pixelz - 16
    TeeZ - 14
    Ardey - 16
    Captain-Vodka - 20something
    Collinmrcc - 13
    Carned - 17
    mebrusta - 16
    Jdakt/Random Guys - 18
    Skip The Dip - 14
    Aphux Ninja - 14
    Ph4ntom - 16
    Slippery - 18
    Competer - 19
    Thanks4TheFish - 17
    Cupcake Mayhem - 15
    Sam - 15
    Cheesus Crust - 14
    Sir Lemoncakes - 20
    Ninjaa - 13
    Pluto99 - 14
    Nope Trash - 15
    MckeonHitman - 14
    Carson - 20?
    Ben Slade - 18
    Zikeji - 17
    Angelx - IDK
    DieKasta - 20
    Matsumuto Yamaguchi - 15
    King Zabiba - 17
    MasterTail - 19
    The Law - 18
    Kythol - 16
    MasterOfWar - 17
    HorseMan - 20
    Simply ACE - 16
    and many more
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I would say that 18 is a pretty decent average. I'm 25, BTW. Preacher is the oldest I know.
  5. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    Gristle was 31 but......
  6. How old is highwon?
  7. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    20 ssumtin
  8. Ardey

    Ardey VIP

    Actually I'm 15 haha.
  9. You silly goose Banana I'm 18
  10. Chronos

    Chronos VIP

    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  11. Ardey

    Ardey VIP

    Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahaha. No.

    I'll show you the door.
  12. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Ahnuld is 28 with two kids. He hasn't been on recently though.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
  13. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Angelx is 20 i think or 21
    and gristle is like 30 or 32
  14. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    tbh you look 16 ):
  15. Makes sense. In all of the pics I posted I'm 16.
  16. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    i wonder why you have this information. btw im 17.
  17. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Staff Apps.
  18. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    Average age : 13

    Average Mental age : 6

    Average IQ : 25
  19. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    I guess you're considered average then.
  20. Loofa

    Loofa Member

    I turned 19 today (December 25th, 2013)