Denied |\|athan's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by |\|athan, Nov 13, 2016.

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  1. |\|athan

    |\|athan Banned

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I only rdmed maybe 1 or 2 people and the rest were justified.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Basically I killed a guy that I thought had shot at the detective and the detective killed him. After that a guy came in and started shooting him so I tried killing him but I ended up killing someone in the crossfire. After that a T killed the detective and killed that T. As far as all of the other kills that were "rdm" I was either following a kos that I had heard or was because I had seen them either pass an unided. I honestly didn't do anything that was rdm, but people just started to assume I was rdming and basically harassing me. I did however kill 1 or 2 people on accident which I take credit for and if an admin was actually on to enforce a slay on me I would have happily taken it. I did also say that I was rdming as a joke because people kept saying I was so I joked about it. I'm not sure when I left but I did because I had to go eat dinner so I just got off also because my friend got off.​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by @Mr. Rogers for "Group Trolling". He will respond when he can so until then, thank you for being patient!
  3. |\|athan

    |\|athan Banned

    Thanks. I don't get why group trolling warrants 28 days though.
  4. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Rogers will explain that in his reasoning however I would guess it is due in part to the fact you have been banned for this in the past.

    He will be able to shed more light on this for you soon enough so sit tight!
  5. |\|athan

    |\|athan Banned

    Alright if he responses soon I will be here but I gotta go in a bit so prolly have to check tomorrow.
  6. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Hello |\|athan,

    You and your friend Saturn are currently banned by me for Group Trolling as I found that the both of you had been RDMing players, were friends, and have been banned for Group Trolling before. The specific instances that lead to your bans can be found here as I could determine no reasoning for any of these kills based off of the damage logs and lack of report responses made by the either of you. You claim that only one or two of these instances were RDM and were accidental, however it is hard to believe this when it just so happens that you and your friend had both gotten onto our server, RDM'd players, and left at exactly the same time all while maintaining good intentions, especially since you two have been banned for the exact same thing before.

    As a result of these facts, I will be Denying this Appeal however if you have any further questions on the manner I am completely willing to discuss the situation with you in a forum conversation.

    Best Regards,
    ~Mr. Rogers
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