Denied AspiringSun's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by acx100, Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. acx100

    acx100 VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:

    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned by falcor for 1 accidental rdm. I think it is unfair and i should have just gotten a slay. I killed smiley because i thought he was shooting at someone because i heard firing from his direction so i killed him. I put in my report i saw him shooting it was a accident not meant to loophole. I know staff can see every bullet fired from a player so why would i put myself at risk for trying to use that loophole? It was a honest mistake and i get a harsh penalty. I know youre gonna reply with "You have a extensive history" Yes i do have one and due to that i have stopped breaking the rules. Now i just play for fun and mess around.

    Evidence of Innocence:

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
  2. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    You were globally banned for Loopholing + extensive history by @Falcor . She will respond at her earliest convenience.
  3. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hey Aspiring,

    No need for simple pleasantries, so lets jump right in.
    Han came to me earlier with evidence of you loopholing and I wholeheartedly agreed. There's a few things that contradict what you state and I'll show them below.

    Firstly - The Video Evidence.

    Secondly - Your Report response and conversation with Han
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    You first say you think it was repeated. But then add he was shooting at someone for sure.
    You first start to use wording like "I think" then follow it with a definite statement.
    If it was just 1 shot, I could understand, as the muzzle flash glitch happens on occasion but you continue to say he was for sure shooting at someone.

    and Thirdly - Your comments to Smiley
    Once again you are giving a definite answer that you saw him shooting at someone.

    Not once to Han or Smiley did you say you may have been mistaken or any of the things you claim in your appeal.
    With the video and comments this is clearly loopholing. Whether it was an attempt to loophole to kill smiley or an attempt to loophole to get out of your slay for killing smiley or both. It does not matter.
    The matter is with all this evidence it is irrefutable, that it was in fact loopholing.

    As you know this isn't the first time you've been banned for Loopholing. I was extremely lenient on only giving you a 16w ban versus a 26w ban. With your history anyone would imagine you would have learned by now just to be honest.
    If it was a mistake or a kill on suspicion you should know better to say that. Especially if you were unsure.
    Not once but several times you stated you saw Smiley shooting at someone, for sure. Positive, matter of fact answers and statements.
    You had multiple opportunities to claim it was an accident in game and receive your slay. But none of that was stated.

    I will be Denying this appeal for the reasons stated above. But I'll let you respond once more with anything else you'd like to add, before I close this up and Lock it.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
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