Answered Asking if there is a KOS is now RDM!

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Temar, May 17, 2020.

  1. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    So apparently if you ask if someone is KOS
    and someone only partly hears what you say and thinks you just kos'd that player you are responsible and will be slain for it (assuming it gets acted on ofc)

    so my questions:
    how does this make sense, you are getting blamed for someone else mistake
    and I'm guessing this is only RDM if there was no KOS
  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Please disregard anything I've said previously on this QnA.

    After considerable thought, and talking to others, I have come to the conclusion that the standard I follow is heavily contested and in fact of minority opinion.

    I always to my best to act only in the best interest of our community. With these things in mind, I will be discontinuing this ideology, and seeing to it that any other staff that have been trained this way stop handling it as such.

    We will be doubling down on the rule that KOSes must be explicit, misheard or not. In these situations, the person who confuses the question or statement for a KOS will be the person who is slain.