Approved Arisenstring956's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Arisenstring956, Aug 15, 2020.

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  1. Arisenstring956

    Arisenstring956 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I dont know why I was banned. I went AFK and then played a T round and after a map switch my gmod crashed. This was a few hours ago and then I just got back on now and tried to join but as soon as I did I got a error saying I'm banned for 5 days. Can someone tell me why I'm banned as I never received a warning or reason for why I was banned and I didn't do anything bad like mass rdm or say slurs in chat or anything like that.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Ummm idk what can go here but I just want to know why I was banned. If I did do anything wrong I'm sorry I did break a rule but I'm just really confused.


    (sorry if any grammar or spelling is incorrect, English is my second language)​
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  2. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Adlactor Nell for RDM and leave. Please wait for them to gather their evidence and respond.

    btw your steamid is
  3. Arisenstring956

    Arisenstring956 New Member

    My game crashed during the round I got slay so I leave so I not rejoin as I thought I already served the slay. Im sorry about this as I thought I wasn't breaking rules.
  4. Adlactor Nell

    Adlactor Nell Advertiser Friendly, Right out of the box! VIP

    O Heya There!
    Let's get right into it, shall we?
    This is the report + you leaving:
    Also here is you opening the t room door:
    You didn't join after the map changed so I banned you but as your history is clean and you didn't cause any issues while you were on due to this I will be unbanning you but I won't be voiding it (this means that if you RDM & Leave again it will be a 2nd offense which will get you banned for a longer period) unless you can provide proof that you crashed.
    One way of finding it is by typing "reliability history" and looking for anything related to gmod or hl or steam and taking a screenshot,
    you can send that to me on discord at Adlactor#4012.

    Appeal: Approved.
    Ban: Unbanned and Voided.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  5. Adlactor Nell

    Adlactor Nell Advertiser Friendly, Right out of the box! VIP

    I have voided your ban because I forgot to get admin discretion for the slay, Sorry about that.
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