Denied Anonymous( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Anonymous( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    People were trolling changing there name to be like SilentOne (example- The Silent One/ A Silent One/ or in another language) and i decided to join and do the same, later a mod came on telling people to change there name and then a did. later on i did it again and a mod came on and warned me again (atleast i think i did it again unless it was all at the same time dont remember too well) the map he told me to change my name on was community pool. i was in a rush because i didnt want to be banned or kicked so i changed my name to salad dressing (honestly not trying to copy anyone, i was in a rush and i was gonna change it back to vstatik after but then all off a sudden i was banned for 5 days?? ok i attempt to join different server but couldnt be botherd so i waited next day, turns out im banned for 182 days???? What makes me even more upset is i just recently bought vip+ so its stupid that im banned for such a long time again after i waited so long and now i wasted 10$ because i was banned even though i changed my name.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    It looks like @DerpyKyogre64 initially banned you for Toxic Behaviour + Massive History., which was given discretion by @BmTron who then globalised and extended.
  3. Why was it extanded, its so stupid i just came back from such a long ban and now i have to wait another 182 days because i tried changing my name back to normal and after buying vip+ feels like i was ripped off
  4. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    That's the point exactly. You just got off of a long ban and decide to cause trouble, again.

    This is why I Globaled and Extended your ban. Derpy will respond soon.
  5. I didn't "WANT" to cause trouble again i changed my name to What Silent One and i guess it was so similar to hes name somehow and i changed my name to salad dressing which i didn't even try to copy anyone, and yes i know i said people were copying hes name in different ways and i decided to join in but i didn't think it would cause trouble i even changed my name after warning. I would also like to know why i was banned After i changed my name to salad dressing? because i wasn't trying to copy anyone name, i don't remember if anyone had a similar name to what i changed it to but i was gonna change it again.

    EDIT: Can i at least join other ttt server or just 1 because being banned from all of them dosn't seem real fair
  6. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey Anonymous, I'll respond to this appeal as soon as I get back home since I'm about to leave in just a few minutes.

    But for now feel free to take a look at the evidence provided in this appeal to get some insight as to why you were banned in the first place, I'll explain more in detail as soon as I can. Thanks for the patience.
  7. Thank's

    Isnt there a way i can be banned after my vip+ ends so it wasnt a waste?
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  8. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Well I apologize for the delay but here goes my response to this appeal.

    Let me start by addressing the incident that happened yesterday. As I explained to Dzeko in his appeal the big problem here was the fact that a multitude of people were doing this, I had warned players that acts such as impersonating Silent's name would not be tolerated anymore and they would be dealt with in a similar manner. I got @BmTron's discretion to ban you for Trolling initially but then noticed your overwhelming history. You say you didn't want to cause problems as you've just recently been unbanned from yet have shown no sign of improvement since back then.

    Now here are the problems I find with your reasoning that I can't seem to understand. You not only decided to commit this type of act with me online but you also mentioned that another Moderator had already warned you for this type of behavior before me. Why would you think it would be a good idea to keep up with this behavior despite me trying to discourage the other players to not do so? Why fuel the fire? Since you and Dzeko were the leaders in this movement, I chose to ask discretion to ban the both of you, but your punishment was drastically increased due to your history. I'm led to believe you know by this point what is allowed on our servers and what isn't yet you continued to push more and more. You were just as involved in this issue as Dzeko was but the outcome was different here considering your history and recently coming off that 26 week ban so here's just some of the examples of the behavior and names you displayed while on:


    My other problem that lies with your reasoning that you listed in the Why you should be unbanned section is that you also claimed that the name "Salad Dressing" wasn't meant to imitate anyone else yet we had a player by the name of Salad who was already on the server before you decided to change your name once again, only pushing the impersonating even more. I then went ahead and banned you and Dzeko for this and asked BmTron to globalize and extend your ban. I do have another thing I'd like to address in the form of this forum report which just goes to further show the behavior you demonstrated while on the servers have not improved at all. While this incident was minimal it just goes further to show how you wish to spend your time playing on our servers despite knowing by now what you can or cannot do. One last thing I'd like to note:

    I should let you know, simply because you donated does not mean you will be granted special permission to serve your ban after your VIP+ expires. You're held accountable for the actions that you commit while on our servers so you will have to face proper punishment. I'll leave this appeal open for any possible response you might have to this matter and then I'll decide my verdict.
  9. It's bullshit you say you banned me because of the salad dressing name even though i didn't try to copy hes/her name you could of told me to change it again because salad didn't have a problem with my name and you never warned me it was to similar, i don't care what you think about me changing my name to salad dressing to be a lie or not but i had no intention of copying hes/her name and would of been able to change back to normal instantly

    EDIT: Im not asking for anything special because i bought vip+ but knowing you banned me because i changed my name to salad dressing without wanting to copy pisses me off
  10. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    I'm sorry but I find it increasingly hard to believe that you decided to change your name to "Salad Dressing" which is much longer than your original name "vStaTiK" and you should have known better at that point to change your name even remotely close to another player's after the constant warnings I had given to others for changing their names to variations of "Silent One" this was a variation of the player "Salad". I'm afraid that saying that you didn't know any better won't affect my sentence on this appeal and if you wish for your global to be reduced you're going to have to prove that you deserve less of a punishment rather than trying to feign your ignorance here of the situation.

    You've also yet to address your overwhelming history which was the primary reason this ban was globalized and extended for the in the first place and the forum report I linked to you showing you KOSing a player despite knowing by now that you cannot KOS a player since you damaged yourself by falling off. You just got off a 26 week ban. Why would you go out of your way to cause mischief immediately afterwards? Bm showed you the amount of bans you've garnered in the past year alone, one would expect a player who decided to come back after a ban length like that to better themselves not just continue the cycle of causing problems. That's not what we expect from our players, we expect them to behave according to our rules and respect each other instead of just causing constant mischief.
  11. 1. My full name was vStaTik--GaMeZx also i do stuff like that on this server to calm down or have fun, every time i play on this server i always get fucking rdmed every single time im a t or sometimes inno then when i report mods always let them get away what pisses me off about this server, like once a mod couldnt slay someone who kosed me on sus last map even though i have seen mods slay people because of last maps befor, there was a time i was rdmed in barn because my traitor buddie shot a inno and ran away and hid well i stood on the other side protending to hide because i didnt want to get involved but a inno jumps down and rdms me for no reason, plus i dont know what you mean by adress your overwhelming history? do you want me to explain something or what.

    EDIT: A while ago you mention something about me going on with the name trolling after another mod warned me but you were the only mod thats warned me? (atleast i think)
  12. Since no one has responded for a while i would like to know if its possible to have 1 more chance?
  13. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    Are your responses final? Or is there anything else you'd like to add as to why we should unban you?
  14. I honestly have nothing els to say, i could think of reasons like banning me longer because history is a bit unfair or stupid but like you would care what i think, if anything all im gonna end up doing is delaying the ban apeal because i felt like it was going to never work/be approved anyway so i didn't want to see. Now before we finnish this appeal my brother and mum found out i was banned, my brother said he was gonna message you guys to see if i can get my ban shortend (i don't know if by email or site) but i don't know if he will ever get you to since you guys are hard to reason with :L anyway that is all i have to say i cant think of anymore reason, like my brother says even if not unbanned i would like a shorter ban like 5 days since thats how much it was originaly but thats up to you i guess.

    EDIT: Is there a way i can private pm you later to talk?
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  15. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Alright Anonymous so after discussing this problem with @BmTron we've come to this conclusion.

    Here at Serious GMod the main issue with "Histories" is that they tell us what kind of player we're dealing with and what type of punishments to bring out. They tell us if a player is a constant troublemaker or a player who otherwise has caused no trouble while on our servers. You've accumulated nearly 20 bans in the last year. What is that supposed to tell us? You only wish to go against our rules and standards while playing, it tells us that you're not learning from your past actions and instead wish to continue going against our rules. You can see in this screenshot that BmTron also showed you above that your behavior while on our servers go from RDM and Leaves, to Mass RDM bans, to Harassment bans.

    You come to our servers expecting to be treated a certain way while saying our Staff Members don't listen to what you have to say, but I can assure you each Staff Member here does their job to the best of their abilities. They listen to the players as much as they can and sometimes other players don't get punished because you don't have the full story as to why one player killed you. But instead of taking situations like these into a Report in our Forum Report section for them to be investigated further you instead harass other players and RDM other players? That's not what we expect from our players at all. You being RDMed does not justify your overwhelming amount actions that I've listed above so I'm afraid this appeal will be denied.

    If you or your family wish to bring up the matter further feel free to start up a conversation with me and BmTron on the forums.

    Appeal: Denied/Thread Locked
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