Angelx not slaying Vinyl Scratch someone for RDMing

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by BananaCoconuts, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player: nG|Angelx

    Server: West

    Time of Occurrence: 6:50 UTC+8

    Reason For Report: She didnt slay a guy that RDM'd me

    I was playing then I saw Pro-Chaos pull out a dragunov then I killed him ID his body he was a Traitor 3-5 seconds later vinyl scratch kills me and Angel wont slay him

    Witness : Silent Rebel
  2. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    I've explained this many times to you, when you kill someone, whether they are a traitor or not you can be killed.
    I understand that you ID'd the body, but look at the logs below, you killed the traitor at 39 seconds, and within 2 seconds he started to shoot you.
    That is a reasonable amount of time, he should've waited & checked the scoreboard or w/e before actually shooting you, but he doesn't have to, he was sloppy but it wasn't rdm.
    I've been killed many times before for killing traitors and IDing them and people killing me seconds after.
  3. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I think that what happened to banana was RDM. If you are in the process of killing a player, whether they are a T or not, you can be killed and it's not considered RDM. So Player A kills Player B, then continues to ID the body and reveals that Player B is a Traitor. Now, player C saw it happen, saw player A kill Player B and ID it, saw that player B was a traitor, and still kills Player A. That is definitely RDM in my book, not only is it killing an innocent, but it's killing a PROVEN innocent which should leave even less room for player C to say it was not RDM. It is the players responsibility to pay attention to the popups in the right hand corner, and just because he ignored it or didn't see it, doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable for the situation. If this situation is perfectly acceptable, then what's the point of trying to kill anybody as an innocent? Are innocents not allowed to kill ANYBODY?
  4. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    It was not a random deathmatch because in his point of view you killed someone. He then killed you within two seconds because killing someone is traitorous. Yeah he was a traitor, although Vinyl saw him as an innocent in his point of view, therefore it was no random occurence.
  5. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    This is just my opinion on the subject. I would indeed count it as rdm, but the rules dont. If you see someone else kill someone you have every right to kill them. But you need to PLAY SMART, its your decicion whether to kill the person or not. And sadly the rules are put in place because if its a T killing an Inno and you wait for them then you are dead. Its a huge risk.
  6. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    But it pops up in the right hand corner saying that the player ID'd the Traitorous body, if another player doesn't pay attention to that, its their own fault and should be slain for it. It's there for a reason and a key component to TTT gameplay.

    But the player didnt have to wait for him, Banana already ID'd the body and it popped up in the right hand corner (for all players to see) that the body was a T. If it was me, I would have not even have tried to check the body because i didnt have to, banana already did. You said that if the player waited, he could have the possibility of dying. But that's the players choice, with the body ID'd already then there is literally no point to go and check it yourself, why would you? I would just walk away and say that banana is proven. You act like waiting is the only other alternative to killing him, which it's not, neither of those choices are smart nor necessary.
  7. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    If we have to wait and see if someone is a T or not, I'll never die, and I'd be god in t rounds.

    Also.. banana, you said 3 - 5 seconds, it was 2 seconds..

    TWO SECONDS! aint no body got time for that, shoot first, check later.
  8. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Think of it this way, you walk into a room with a player shooting at another one and he kills the guy, then he looks at you, would you wait or shoot at him? I mean, he could be a T or an Inno, its a risk, and personally I die ALOT because I always trust the person to id the body.
  9. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    eduardo you're missing a very very very key part of the situation. In you're situation, i would definitely kill the player. BUT, if the player did not look at me, but instead looked down and ID'd the body (which is what happened in this thread's situation).. AND THEN i look into the top right hand corner and see... "___ found ______ and he was a T" i wouldnt have done anything

    EDIT: You guys are missing something very huge, you don't gotta wait to see if the player is a traitor, it says so in the corner and on the list. If the body was unid, it would be different and i'd understand, but its already been identified as a traitor within the last few seconds, so there's literally no need or point to waiting OR shooting.
  10. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Yes silent, I agree with you, but the rules dont. The rules dont say anything about that.
  11. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    Exactly, the rules don't say anything about it. The rules don't mention this situation. So when it comes down to it, an Inno killed another inno for doing something NOT on the traitorous acts page. It's rdm by the rules and by common sense.
  12. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I would just like to point out that I was once slain for killing an innocent before he ID'd a T's body. Though, I did kinda bring it upon myself by asking for the slay.
  13. So many adminges.
  15. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    My play style is not shoot first ask questions later. I let the fight go down and then if the winner does anything other than ID the body, he is dead
    For example: starts shooting me, runs away from the unid'd body, or (and I love this one) asks me to ID the body he just killed xD etc. Innocent until proven guilty is how I play.

    Having said that I do agree with Angels point of view over what others have said. If you are shooting at someone, that alone is a traitorous act and you can be killed for it; It really depends on the situation. When I look at logs for RDMers I look at the times they were killed apart from each other, if the times are close then in was likely crossfire. However If I see a 30 sec delay before the next kill then I become more suspicions of RDM. At that point I also look into whether the victim had shot anyone previously that may have resulted in his death, if the player is clean then it was likely RDM. This wasn't the case for BananaCoconuts who had just killed someone and was killed himself for killing someone, whether it was a Traitor or not, it doesn't matter in a time frame of 2 seconds.

    Ultimately, everyone has a different play style. You can kill first ask questions later or you can ask questions first and put yourself at risk of dying, but it's all in good fun.
  16. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Y U NO MOD
  17. PixelAura

    PixelAura VIP

    People have different playstyles. People aren't perfect either.
  18. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I have the same play style, but after it happens, if the guy is a T i get a suspicion placed on me >:
  19. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

    Is there any point in this thread anymore?
  20. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    There never was.
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