Anal's Anti-Intro

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Wojack, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Wojack

    Wojack Her king :3 VIP

    So I've seen people saying goodbyes in this section so I'm gonna put mine in. I just came back from a 3-4 week GMod break and I was enjoying STTT as usual until recently. Some of the staff have done some things to annoy me, some players get on my nerves, and these players have become regulars, thus making playing torture if I am on the same server with them. Given, I could !hop to another server, the servers are usually full with at least one or two people I don't like. Aside from that, the RDM has gotten out of control while mods/admins have been on, so I'm just kind of done for now. Could be back in a week, could be back in a month, but whenever I do come back, I really hope this is sorted out, because I don't want to see these great servers going downhill because of all of that ^^^. Thanks for the fun times to everyone I do actually like, goodbye for now.
    -Anal Hamster

    I'll also be on the forums every once in awhile if you really feel the need to get ahold of me for whatever the hell reasons.
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  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Welcome to the forums.
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  3. The world is full of people that you aren't going to like. You just need to learn how to deal with that and understand that there is no escapng it. You can remove yourself from the environment where there are people that you don't like just to be in another environment where there are people you don't like. So stay and have fun with the people you do like. And welcome to the forums
  4. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    I hope you enjoy your stay at the forums. :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. Wojack

    Wojack Her king :3 VIP

    I understand that, but when they ruin the fun experience that is supposed to be the game, it takes away the point of playing it. Games are meant for fun , and it isn't fun when you have annoying, ignorant douches that are also playing.
  6. I understand, come back soon
  7. Wojack

    Wojack Her king :3 VIP

    Hopefully I will. Probably after I get my achievement for 1k hours of skyrim played lolol im at like 975 or some crazy s**t