An Addition to the Rules

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Taco Man, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Taco Man

    Taco Man VIP

    So, I was going on my merry way, playing a game of TTT.

    I spawn as a detective, and I wander around on the map "rooftops" searching for traitorous bastards to slay.
    Then this guy comes on the same rooftop as me, and destroys some of the boards connecting it to other rooftops. He has a shotgun.

    I see something is up, and I get into battle position.

    He starts to shoot towards me, and misses the first few shots. (THIS DETAIL IS IMPORTANT)

    I shoot back, obviously thinking this guy is a traitor.
    He kills me with his shotgun, and my trusty innocent buddies come and kill this guy.

    He was innocent.
    I report him for T baiting, then killing me.
    The mod present (urisk2) does nothing. I ask the innocent why he did it, and he claims that he killed me in defense, as I damaged FIRST.

    I say "That's bullshit"
    He claims that he doesn't get a slay, because this is all legitimate and following the rules

    Some people on the server who saw it all say that this is bullshit, too.

    Urisk2 kindly and politely explains that this is legitimate.
    He says:

    If an innocent T baits a detective, and the detective shoots back and damages him first, and the innocent kills him, it is following the rules as it is self-defense for the innocent, and neither parties get a slay.

    But the thing is, T baiting is listed as a traitorous act. (It's literally the first on the list.)

    So my suggestion is.
    Make this a breakage of rules, please.

  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Traitor baiting is listed as a traitorous act, however, if a detective shoots a player, they have the right to defend themselves. Otherwise, a detective could go on a mass RDM spree, killing everyone, and if they couldn't have that in place, they could get away with killing everyone in the server.

    However, if innocent players intentionally traitor bait detectives just to kill them, they have violated the entire reason there is traitor baiting(to bait traitors) and they shouldn't be doing that. I believe that if they shot first, I would see their intentions were to kill the detective as an innocent and they should be slain for it. Who in the hell were they traitor baiting?

    Usually these cases are innocent vs innocent where the person that does the initial traitor baiting will eventually get a warning to not traitor bait and troll so much; it can cause problems within the server.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Buttered Sausages

    Buttered Sausages Active Member

    Yup i think he should be slayed for that cause you are a detective and it was obvious that he cannot tbait you as there is no possibility of you being a T so this should be considered as attempted rdm.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Urisk would have to gain input from his admin for that kind of situation.
  5. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    I would like to point out i have no way of knowing if the player was Tbaiting you purely to kill you. You filed the report, He said you damaged him first, and you did. Even if he shot first i cannot be sure who/where/why he was shooting and will not slay if it become word versus word.

    "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer"
  6. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Simple answer to this is; learn to aim and kill people.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Jesus Carlos

    Jesus Carlos Regular Member

    If someone shoots towards me t baiting I dont give them a chance to fire back when i shoot them they're done for
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  9. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    I can KIND OF see how you would want this to be against the rules, however T-baiting IS allowed. After all, in the end it's up to you and you alone whether or not you attack the player for T-baiting. When you start shooting someone, they DO have the right to defend themselves, you can't just expect someone to just sit there and do nothing as they're getting killed. Now, the only SERIOUS thing I could see with T-baiting is for legal RDM (t-baiter gets ppl to shoot at him so he can kill them and not be administratively punished for it), but I don't see that as anything of a big issue, if even a minor one, so I don't believe any punishments for T-baiting should be implemented (other than the one for traitorous acts).
  10. Penguinzerg

    Penguinzerg Member

    Carned I feel that is a little unfair considering he was just doing it to get to kill someone for no reason and suffered no penalty because he used a loophole in the rules to slip out of it
  11. i litterally stopped reading when I got to when you mentioned Urisk. no need to read further lmao

    T baiting is traitorus not a rule breaking, however you are in your rights to shoot back in self defense then HOWEVER he was t baititng you, and you as a D fell for it, even as a D anyone can return fire to a D even if inno, in self defense. so by u falling for the t baiting, he was still in his rights to kill you

    EDIT: what do you know, i went a head and read the rest after posting this, and low and behold, I was confirmed lmao.

    second edit:

    I will take any chance i can to kill someone, FYI, just learn to aim lol.

    also its liekt he legal way to RDM lol, so I sometimes do it too, i do it to some admins or mods, and they know so its like a legal 1v1 lol. and usually we laugh it off who ever looses lol.
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The next time someone t Baird you as a d and you know they're t baiting, just KOS them. You can't shoot/damage a detective unless they are shooting/damaging you.
    • Agree Agree x 2