Aeon and their hate... SHOWCASED FOR LAUGHTER!

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Serious Lawyerbot, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter
    So i had a buddy a part of this group of hackers and today he showed me the steam group made so long ago. Read backwards. Bottom to top, 13-1. Its pretty damn funny how they managed to keep it up with so shiza a spelling.

    I am Kyron, the AEON Advanced Weapons/Tactics and Intelligence Commander.
    I manage all of the Intel on the hostile Bronies that we find, as well as the server locations and "Advanced Tactics" we may come across. The Bronies are vast in number, possibly in the millions. but we are powerful.

    Allow me now to be a bit boring,

    AEON is no longer going to be broken up into two secions.

    there is now a system of three tiers which, will be listed on the AEON website once it is up and running.

    Tier 3- Commanders and Spies.

    Tier 2- Officers and Elites

    Tier 1- Soldiers

    The members of Tier 3 will be hand picked by me, shadowtek and two others who I dont believe have steam but need it.

    We may pick up a few Bronies in the future, But they wil only be Bronies that pass our security check and are determined OK. they will be our ears.

    Now then my soldiers, draw your weapons and show them the sweet pink blood of the bronies.

    The war is coming, and we wil be at the forefront.

    -Kyron, AEON AW\TI Commander