Denied AdminAbuseDontFollowRule's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by AdminAbuseDontFollowRule, Jul 21, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Boyd - 20K!
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Yes i am salty however my grandma recently died and Soul Reaper Said some pretty harsh stuff - "I Killed her" "she didn't love you" Annoyed and outraged that the mod said because no one has proof he cant do anything i flamed back said i hope he drowns - i got a kick fair enough then my next ban for flaming is 24hrs so i flamed once more because he was agitating me then i get a 56 day ban due to my "previous record" The most i have had is a 24hr ban so i dont think a 56 day ban is justified .
    I dont think my ban should be revoked because what i did was wrong however it should be shortened to a 24hr ban that follows your !motd rules and i think this soul repear kid should be banned for 24 hrs for being a all round dick. If you need evidence that the events didnt occur contact this guy on the server he will provide a statement
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    As I banned you for toxicity, I'll be responding to this appeal shortly.
  3. "shortly"
    Administrator for SeriousGMod since the 19th of June 2015 to the 20th of July 2016
    Lead Administrator for SeriousGMod since the 20th of July 2016
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  4. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze


    Thank you for taking your time to appeal, and I'm sorry for the wait. To begin, I'll give some background as to why you were banned.

    After I had joined the server, I saw what appeared to be you threatening and harassing users; not a simple "flame" as you call it. Pictured below is the message you sent to another user just as I'd joined.
    This is unacceptable behavior regardless of the circumstance, and there is no justification for it. To pair with this, you'd begun spamming the chat with messages along the lines of "lead administrator, I bet you have a life". While the content of the messages aren't something to bat an eye at, the fact that you were spamming after warnings was. Looking at your history, and seeing that you had disregarded warnings to discontinue the harassment and spam, you were banned for 8 weeks for your behavior.

    The reason your ban's length is 8 weeks is due to your history of these offenses. Within the past two months, you've been banned for harassment and spam on separate occasions, and our staff have found issues with the way you treat them and others when things don't go your way. Based upon this and the fact that you've continued the behavior, it seems as if the 4 week ban @hello my friend gave you wasn't enough. As such, your ban appeal will be denied.

    Aside from this, you've also evaded the ban on an alternate account which has since been banned. I understand that your intention was to discuss the ban with me, however, so it will not have an impact on your main account's ban length. Be sure, though, that any further attempts of ban evasion will be met with longer bans.

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