Rejected Admin Discretion is Abusive, Please remove it.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by MLBBear, May 22, 2014.

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  1. MLBBear

    MLBBear Active Member

    "Punishments are subject to change under an admin's discretion."

    Via !MOTD

    I firmly believe this should be removed from the !MOTD and Admins must follow the rules clearly stated on there instead of using it to their own discretion. Yes I do believe when this server first bloomed and was starting up this was a great rules because of the small handful of 5 or so Admins. Now that this community has grown, it is time to remove it and have a strict set of guidelines in which Moderators/Administrators should follow.
  2. wolfyNick

    wolfyNick VIP

    In my honest opinion, which may or may not mean much, it is a good thing to have. Admins don't get their positions by beings abusive. They are given their positions once proving their ability to strictly follow the rules as moderators and as such are given a little "leeway" once promoted and given the position. Admin discretion isn't something thrown around willy nilly, its used to deal with circumstances that may lie outside of normal protocol. Admins have a high responsibility to carry with them and as such most people and obviously the owner and Leads understand that the admins probably have good enough judgement not to abuse. They trust their use of the "discretion clause" and rightly so. That's just my 2 cents.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Snak

    Snak Banned

    As long as it's not being used to make up crazy rules that do not exist that I know one admin does, then I'm fine with it. If it's adding a couple more weeks onto someone who is just purposly trying to annoy people, then by all means.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The matter MLBear is referring to is his ban for harassment. He was banned for 8 hours instead of 24 by POPSTAR and it is somehow an admin abiding his powers.

    I suggest POPSTAR follow proper protocol and extend his ban 16 hours.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  5. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Complaining about being banned for a shorter amount of time.... Classic.
  6. MLBBear

    MLBBear Active Member

    If POPSTAR followed proper protocal as stated here:
    • 1st time - Warning
    • 2nd time - Kick
    • 3rd time - Ban 24 hours
    He would have warned me, then kicked me.
  7. Chrissyleecious

    Chrissyleecious Limited Edition :Poop: King VIP

    @MLBBear I think you should stop spamming with the posts.
    You should be greatful that he decreased your ban time.
    I have no idea why you're still complaining.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  8. +1
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
  9. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    Punishments are subject to change under an admin's discretion. Because they are experienced enough to make the proper decision on changing the duration of a punishment depending on its' severity. MLBBear, you have been on this server long enough to know the rules. According to you, POPSTAR did not follow the set protocol because you should have known better. A warning is ideal for a new player who does not know our rules well. You are a veteran player, so (according to you) he did not warn you and kicked/banned you right away.

    Administrators have the experience to properly judge when the length of a punishment should be changed.

    This suggestion has been Denied.
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