adding some rules to Team speak!

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Scooter, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    General Rules

    1. Be respectful to other users at all times.
    2. English only, please. We're an English speaking community and we expect our users to respect that.
    3. No Spamming
    4. No Harassment
    5. No Ghosting
    6. No Porn/Gore Avatars
    7. No Advertising other servers
    8. Illegal Discussions - we are not to be held responsible for any discussions on illegal topics and consequently don't allow it (this includes warez)
    As it is in our best interest to keep our players from accidentally ghosting, we recommend that you mute your microphone (in teamspeak) while you're playing in our servers.

    the newly added rules are in green and yes some rules com from forum rules but I would like to see them added to team speak rules.