Approved ADϟHD's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ADϟHD, Apr 9, 2020.

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  1. ADϟHD


    Your In Game Nickname:
    Sir Hymen Buster
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:

    1. I have no idea why I was banned. It says a 5 day ban so I assume rdm and leave.

    2. I did not have a pending report on me or a slay when I left 2 hours ago.

    3. My record is clean (1 voided ban, 0 karma bans on record); proving if I did have a slay, I am serving it.

    4. It is a terrible policy to ban someone for rdm and leave when they had no report or slay on them when they left. Especially, someone who is active daily in the community who will serve their slay if it is justified. I am not leaving the server to rdm and leave. Period. It is never my intention to RDM and leave. Especially, since I would love to defend my actions.

    Evidence of Innocence:
    Clean record for over 4.5 years; been a member longer than most of the mods, admins, and some lead admins. This was not a case of rdm and leave. Especially, when I did not have a report against me or a slay when I left. I have a clean history of clearly serving their slays since I have never been banned in over three years. If their

    I believe Juicy did try and add me as a friend several minutes after to get me back on. I appreciate the gesture. If there is proof that it was indeed RDM, I would request I either give a response to justify the actions or a plea to have the ban removed and I be slain instead. It is never is my intent to RDM and leave, clearly by my record. My thought process is I get up at 4:00AM tomorrow to workout and then do another twelve hours at the hospital. I am going to sleep now.

    @Juicy Tenderloin
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
  2. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

  3. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    Because Bad Adult did not mention yes it was for RDM and Leave
  4. Juicy Tenderloin

    Juicy Tenderloin cum blaster VIP Bronze

    Hello Sir Hymen,

    I just want to say it was certainly RDM and leave. That being said, I did NOT want to ban you. I know you well, you're on all the time, you never cause problems and have a clean record. I even so much as went to your steam profile and tried adding you on steam to tell you to come back because I did NOT want to ban you. :cry: But you never accepted it. (I unsent the request after banning you, in case you're wondering why there isn't a friend request from me anymore.) Instead of waiting a round or two for you to join back (like I normally do when someone RDM and leaves), I waited an entire map rotation. Not because you get special treatment or deserve it more than others, but because I knew for a fact you didn't intentionally RDM, and like I already said I know you and know you aren't here to cause problems. BUT I had to do what protocol calls me to do, which was to ban you. I knew you would appeal and I'm glad you did.

    Here is the report against you

    Here is the Death Scene:

    Here is you leaving:

    You RDM'd frog because there is no way you could see exactly what he was shooting at when he shot one time with his rifle out of that tiny window in that house. He could've been shooting at nothing, you couldn't see if he shot someone or shot at someone. This was a kill off of suspicion.

    I 100% believe you did not intentionally RDM & leave and like I said I REALLY did NOT want to ban you so I am going to APPROVE this ban appeal. Please make sure you do not leave with open reports :D We have a lot of trials right now and I was training 2-3 at the time and sometimes trials will take just a tiny bit longer to conclude a report than normal and then the mod/admin currently on will add the punishment. Please be patient as we handle your report and then once the report is closed and you've served your slays (if any), then you can leave.

    Thanks for being understanding, once again I'm sorry I even had to ban you. :(
  5. Juicy Tenderloin

    Juicy Tenderloin cum blaster VIP Bronze

    By the way it says you were slain on the screenshot of the report because at first I didn't realize you weren't on the server anymore and then I took the slay off of you in case you didn't come back.
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