Answered acting on ghosted info

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Nitro_Hunter, Oct 25, 2020.



  1. yes

    11 vote(s)
  2. no

    2 vote(s)
  1. Nitro_Hunter

    Nitro_Hunter Banned VIP

    Humancowcakes brought this up in SB by saying if you act on ghosted info you should be banned.(probably a joke) but this does bring up a good question.

    Player A ghosts to Player B saying they are the last inno left. the only people alive are Player B, Player C and Player D.

    Player B then acts on this info killing both Player C and D.

    Should player B be banned for ghosting in this instance even though they didn't ghost and only acted on information given to them
  2. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

    Humancowcakes was not joking. Acting on ghosted information is ghosting. Period. You can be banned for acting on it.
  3. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    This is actually in the extended rules under ghosting. If someone tells you who the Ts are and you go kill those players you'll be banned for ghosting.
  4. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    Yes. That is the other half of ghosting. Acting on the info given to them is definitely ghosting. Take it this way: If two people were in a voice call, and Player A told Player B who the T's were, and Player B kills them, this would be ghosting for both of them too.

    In both situations Player B doesnt have to act on the info given to them, but in deciding to do so, they are ghosting.