Abusive mod Thanks4thefish

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by [FG-CS]Cole, Aug 11, 2013.

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  1. Hey its Cole again but this time with an unpleasant experience with the moderator called thanks4thefish. So died and i was spectating and this mod guy starts complaining about how there was no way the player could have known that he was a t so i said maybe he was ghosting to which he replied shut up you troll i dont know why we unbanned you. i had know idea what he was talking about and argued that i wasnt a troll and i was never banned and that i would never troll, he then gagged me, i asked why he gagged me he said i was trolling mic spamming and harassing him, i replied with no you were calling me a troll you asshole the only time i even said a curse word the entire time. he went on about how it doesnt matter anyway and that i will stay gagged for as long as he wants to which i said i'm going to report you, he replied with go ahead and then muted me... here are some screenshots and i hope this is enough evidence to bring to your attention. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 2524/home#
  2. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    Wrong i didnt call you a troll the second i saw you, you must have said something that irked me as you coming off as a troll. Also i didnt say "shutup you troll i dont know why we unbanned you" youre lying. I never told you to shut up. i gagged you beacuse you called me a "faggot" then you proceded to harrass in chat calling me a "asshole" and a "stupid little mod" so i muted you i then told you that you would be gagged and muted for one round in which at the end you were both unggaged and unmuted.
  3. Man i have the evidence don't try to cover it up.
  4. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    You called him numerous names not just asshole. I was there. He was harassing.
  5. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    i have a screen shot of what you said to me you said to me
  6. Just because you have a friend who is a mod does not mean you can get out of what you did, you have to be fair to the players playing on the server if i didn't care i would not have taken the time to post this. but i do so suck it up and admit to what you were doing.
  7. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Yes im his friend. That has nothing to do with it. He wasnt being abusive what so ever.
  8. He was he insulted me first bye calling me a troll and telling me i should not have been banned when i have in fact never been banned from the server.
  9. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

  10. This screenshot doesn't mean anything i was defending myself you were the one harassing me, and you were abusing because you thought that since you are a big bad mod that oh hey ill just gag him so he cant defend his self and as soon as i say i'm going to report you, you mute aswell
  11. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    No it means you were lying you never needed to defend your self you were being offensive and as a big bad mod my job is to keep the peace. So I have the evidence man do try to cover it up.
  12. evidence of what? i was pissed because you gagged me for no reason you were the harasser i simply defended myself and you thought you were going to get away with it but no i took the time to report you like most wouldnt so who knows how many you have done this to or maybe you havnt in the past maybe the only reason you acted like that was because you were mad about somebody killing you so you saw me as an easy target but you cant do stuff like that just because your upset it ruins the players experience

    DoA N1GHTMARE Banned

    I like cookies.
  14. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    Please tell me exactly what i said that needed you to defend yourself? and what makes you an easy target?
  15. You were calling me a troll telling me i'm a bad player telling me i should have never bean unbanned dont even know where that came from what made me an easy target was because i said one thing to you about ghosting and that this is such a serious server just making a pun you had to get all offensive and because you thought you could express your opinion and thought that i wasnt going to express my opinion so as soon as i started you gagged me which is abuse you can say whatever you want but i cant say a word
  16. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    yes i gagged you because you called me a faggot
  17. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    weve been over this you must of said something that irked me that might of been it though even if i called you a troll you defended yourself the wrong way and became vulger, youre repeating yourself and failed to provide what really happend i think were done here
  18. I was not Vulgar about anything i have proof of what you did i was never vulgar but when you gag me for no reason sure ill get pissed off who wouldn't and then you muted me because i was going to report you what the hell is that man who isn't going to be pissed off. im done arguing with you let your admins read this and let them decide i have proof of what you did all you can do is accuse me of things. i'm tired and pissed of that you had to be such a jerk and ruin my fun but ill be back on tomorrow playing on the server having fun.
  19. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    check my picture
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