Answered About everything in this server that i need answers..

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Flangie, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Flangie

    Flangie New Member

    1. Can I remodel,retexture,reanimate my default weapons ? (not sweps just guns )
    2. Why Spray Paints aren't visible in your server ?
    3. Why m16 in vanilla is not fully automatic like in West Server ?
    4. How to know if i won i lottery ? (someday)
    5. Why VIP weapons aren't for normal players ?
    6. How to Activate Jihad Sound ?

    Thats all for now :) Thanks for answering
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Kawaii

    Kawaii Paper Towns

    1. Yes you can. [Try the steam workshop]
    2. If im not mistaken it is due to the gmod updates.
    3. Cause Vanilla...
    4. You'll have to hop on and check.
    5. There is no VIP weapons, only VIP loadouts. [On Vanilla the AK/P90 etc. are counted as VIP weapons. so to speak]
    6. Step 1. Purchase a Jihad sound from the F3 menu.
    Step 2. Activate it by clicking on equip.
    Step 3. ???
    Step 4. Profit.
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    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Kawaii did a fine job in answering your initial questions; tell us if you have anymore and we'll be glad to assist you :)
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