A few events in my life recently, 2014 has been a hell of year so far.

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by My Name is Alex, May 5, 2014.

  1. Now, I've never been one to really share my personal life, as I feel it isn't the most important thing for other people to know what is going on with me/I'm pretty antisocial and don't really talk to people. Anyway, I had been without a job since January, I was fired from McDonalds where I worked for about three years, and I know what you're thinking, "Who the hell gets fired from McDonalds?" Well, this guy did haha. Then after searching for a job for about a month my girlfriend of two years left me, when I needed her most, but that's alright I suppose, we're still very close and it's good to have her in my life still. Then after using pretty much all of the emergency funds in my savings account and having to sell a lot of my worldly items to keep myself going, I finally had a stroke of luck and after joining a temp agency I got my first assignment at a assembly plant called Blue Sea, they make electronic parts for boats, and they are a pretty big company that started in my home town of Bellingham Washington. That was last Friday, I had my first day and everything was great. I really enjoyed the job, and the people were very friendly. But just when things were starting to look hopeful, Saturday night at about 10PM I started having terrible lower abdominal pain, it kept me up all night and nothing helped the pain I was experiancing. After talking to my parents, at about 6:30 PM yesturday they decided to take me to the emergency room, turns out, my appendix had become inflammed, and was causing all the pain. So I was admitted to the hospitol and before I knew it, I was having emergency surgery! I just got home from the hospitol and I found out that due to the impending recovery from my surgery, I wouldn't be able to lift anything over 15 pounds for about two weeks. A lot of my job required lifting heavy boxes full of parts to be shipped. And since I won't be able to lift for so long, they have already removed me from my job. So as soon as it began it's over, which sucks, but there isn't much I can do about it. But hopefully as soon as I'm recovered there will be another assignment waiting for me maybe even at the same place, but for now everything is very uncertain. I don't know what lies around the corner, but I can only hope it gets better, it's been a hell of a year so far, and I can't seem to catch a break, but hopefully things will turn around soon. Sorry for being so wordy, I know this is pretty long and maybe this is just a way to vent my frusteration, either way, here's to hopeing things get better in the Alex department!
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  2. thanemartin4

    thanemartin4 Regular Member

    Appendix surgery sucks. Mine had exploded before the operated and I got infections from it. Hope you get luckier!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. I was lucky that mine hadn't ruptured yet, the surgeon said I was very lucky I came when I did.
  4. thanemartin4

    thanemartin4 Regular Member

    You know what they say: When god closes a door, YOU PUNCH HIM THE FUCK THROUGH IT!!!!!
    PS I'm an atheist
    • Like Like x 1
  5. I'm also an Atheist haha. If there is a god, he's got a sick sense of humor haha.
  6. thanemartin4

    thanemartin4 Regular Member

    I've got to agree.
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