Approved (9)Player's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by (9)Player, May 16, 2015.

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  1. (9)Player

    (9)Player VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Hello there. I was recent banned from the West server for ghosting. I am aware of what ghosting is, and that it is against the rules, and I understand why it is bad. However, what I did was jokingly PM the player who had recently killed me that he was about to die. I was a traitor and he was an innocent. There were four other traitors alive at the time who were all closing in on him, and he was the last innocent player with very low health. He had absolutely no chance at winning. I sent him a PM telling him that he was about to die because it was four traitors against one innocent. Less than ten seconds after I told him this, he was killed by my traitor buddies. Of course, my traitor buddies won the round. He took a screenshot of my PM and a few minutes later reported me. I've now been banned from the server for nearly a whole month. There was no way that the single living innocent could have benefited from the information that I had given to him within those last ten seconds of life he had. It was done in jest. Being banned for nearly an entire month for this seems excessive.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello Player 9. I hope you are having a good day.

    You were banned by @Holo for Ghosting. They will reply when they can.

    Have a good day.
  3. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Good evening, (9)player. I was the one who issued the ban to you for ghosting. Now, while I do understand good humor, there is a point where it crosses the line, as it did here. Ghosting is not something that's taken lightly, even if what you do is seemingly harmless. The information you gave the living player was potentially game-changing, and as such a ban was necessary. The following image shows the messages you sent to the player.


    After the player sent me this image, I issued a ban for ghosting. Do you have anything further to say?
  4. (9)Player

    (9)Player VIP

    I completely understand why ghosting is bad. However, the last living innocent player had absolutely no chance of winning, and I did not intend to give him that information to aid him against my team.

    I will make sure to never again do this in the future, not even in jest.

    If it is truly necessary that I must wait nearly a whole month to be unbanned from the server over this, then so be it. But I still think it's excessive.
  5. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    I am not above mercy, and it is my ban to handle. I understand that you did not have ill intent, so I will allow this to be a learning experience. You have spent a lot of time on our servers and your record before now was an unbelievable kind of clean. I will approve your appeal, however the ban will not be voided and should this happen again, it will be treated as second offense.

    Good day.
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