Denied CarbonatedMilk's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by CarbonatedMilk, Jul 15, 2019.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    RIP Smirnoff
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    As Loli-Pop and Lord Cancer can testify, we were joking around and Lord Cancer was talking to Loli about "totally legitimate links", hence why we both posted the links that we did. My link, however, wasn't and IS NOT malicious. The Link itself hasn't been functional for years, and still isnt functional now. The argument of "googling it gives you the real site" is also a terrible reason. You can google anything and find horrible shit.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    The link isnt functional.​
  2. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Tagging @Kythol to address your ban. Please wait for their response.
  3. Tag @Loli-Pop, too, cause he can testify that we were joking around.
  4. Nathan776

    Nathan776 Administrator Administrator VIP Silver

    Tagging @Voca since were on a tagging spree and he was the Person to actually request the ban

    Ban Report
  5. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP This is the report the ban was based on.

    I was asked to handle the ban at the time since I was on the server, but @Voca handled the report for the most part. The reasoning for the ban was that while the link itself isn't active, you could very easily Google the link to find the actual website (ending in something besides .com) or the content the website has. Since there seems to be some concerns regarding the ban, I'll leave this open for the time being to allow those directly involved to have a civil discussion.

    If things end up getting out of hand I'll finish the appeal.
  6. Loli-Pop

    Loli-Pop Active Member

    I was there. Lord Cancer and Smirnoff had absolutely no ill intent. Legit, half the server was making jokes about those links. Also, what kind of reasoning is "the link didnt work because it wasnt .com so some kid might try and find .fr"? I didn't even know .fr was an extension until I was told about it. I can kind of understand the ban for lord cancer (although still not really warranted, all of it was a joke), but Smirnoff's ban is completely unjust.
  7. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Hey, I will give my respond to this when I have finished staffing ^^
  8. ^^^^This.

    Basically no one knows any sort of Website URLs except for .com (The US Standard and it's a US Server) unless they are from the specific country that uses that extension. I understand that pornographic links in chat aren't allowed, but I posted the link for a few reasons. The First being that I knew it was long-dead, the second being that it's just a really, really old shock meme, and the third being the whole conversation we were having at the time. I still request for the ban to be lifted.
  9. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Due to the nature of the Evidence, it will not be posted in here, you are already aware of what you were banned for.
    Since you are bringing up both bans I will respond with the reasoning for them both o.o

    I will start off with talking about Lord Cancer's ban, while the links may have been a joke. His link especially was of malicious content, it lead to a webpage about creating fake links that if used by others would save their IP, eg. He was adverticing Doxxing, which is an extremely bad offense, the evidence is also being reviewed by higher staff to decide whether a longer ban is needed for him.

    Now to your ban. While we can understand that you and other players were just joking around, you should keep in mind that you are not the only players playing. There will almost always be other players on who doesnt find you joking around funny and will take the things you say and post in all chat seriously. Just like what happened where a player felt disturbed with your type of joking and reported it.

    While Vanilla is a server hosted in the US, its still public for players of any country to play at and lots of Eu players play on there.
    While the thing you posted .com lead to a nonexisting page. Its the keyword of the link that is the issue since the keyword leads to it imediately.

    Consider this the same way as you would for pornographic sprays. Lets say a spray depicting someone having sex but a player takes that image draws ontop of it to make the image look like something it isnt, but the image can still be understood as what it was intented. Thats the same logic used for this link you posted, the key content of the link was pornographic but you edited the part that would make the link directly connected to the webside. However the keywords itself connects to pornography in this context and therefor is still handled that way.

    Now could you please provide a "good" reason to why you should be unbanned for that behavior ^~^
  10. So by your definition and your reasoning, anything and everything involving inappropriate content that could upset other users shouldn't be allowed, or mentioned. Yet the server and forums allow free-flying use of racial and homophobic slurs. Or if someone says the word "porn". Well, little Timmy over here on the server can Google that and oh no! It's inappropriate. Your "reasoning" behind mine doesn't make sense.
  11. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    There is a difference between just saying a word and making it look like a link.
    If you just say the word of the link you got banned for, no issue at all.. o.o the moment it becomes an Issue is the moment you added .com to it, making people aware that its actually related to a webpage that can be found in a matter of 2 seconds after attempting to type the link you provided.
    Like if we get someone saying "hey admin someone sprayed digimon hentai on the house over there" (It actually happened) It would for god sake be stupid to ban that player for making us aware o.o

    No, your issue is you made it into a link associating it with a webpage that has pornography.

    And yes the usage of slurs is something that was changed a mere 2 days ago or so. And is far from as severe as posting a link to a pornographic webside o.o

    What Im saying is if the keyword leads to pornography, it doesnt matter if you type .com .fr or .what , cause you are making players aware its associated to a webside the moment you put the .com behind it.

    I suggest you check if the link potentially can lead to pornography, you should check it before posting it in chat. And keep in mind that not all players will be comfortable with you doing so wether it was a joke or not.

    You have a better understanding now?

    Im willing to unban you if you are willing to accept thats how the rules work and that you wont do it again, or at least be more careful with what you joke about.
  12. I already knew that's how the rules worked and since it doesn't lead to pornography it didn't break them, but sure.
  13. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Okay so since you are still being in denial of the rules, I will not unban you since you are proving to us that you have no intention of understanding that what you did was bannable, however instead of just being an ass and keep you banned for 2 weeks.
    You have promised to avoid doing the actions again(Sorta), so I will reduce your ban to 1 week in good faith that you learn from this lesson, so you have time to think about your actions before you get on again.

    Keep in mind tho, this ban is only local to vanilla and you are free to play on any other servers. ^~^ Have a nice day/Evening

    Keep in mind if you are caught for this behavior again the punishment will be harsher for 2nd offense.
    Appeal Actions: Reduced to 1 week
    Not Voided
  14. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Hey after Seeing this Video I have decided to withdraw the ban reduction, you clearly show no remorse towards your ban and is shown to be complaining about it on another server.

    Tomorrow when I get up, I will change your ban lenght back to 2 weeks

    Appeal: Denied
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