Denied 5 + 7's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by 5 + 7, Nov 23, 2015.

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  1. 5 + 7

    5 + 7 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Five plus seven
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:

    There is a ladder in the area where I pushed the prop, if he D had used the ladder he would have lived.
    but if you really wanna be unfair I'll take my slay for rdm.

    the second part of the report that was added by the biased admin is funny.
    check my evidence

    I shot only Falcor. Falcor was Kos'd, shot and killed for shooting (at someone).
    I was looking at Falcor when Falcor started shooting. Falcor stopped shooting and tried to run inside to hide when I kos'd them. I shot and killed them. I was shot and killed. Falcor reported me for rdm. I responded explaining why I KOS'd and killed them.[​IMG]

    where iz video of this tho?
    Evidence of Innocence:
    at 56300 in shit proof you can clearly see headshotdickhead shooting his ak toward me and hitting the fire extinguisher (I was behind the wall and couldn't have possibly hit the fire extinguisher toward myself from behind the wall.)
    Since shooting at people (I was a person) is KOSable I open fired on them both (only hitting headshotdickhead mind you) even if I had hit the recorder @Ascended it would have been justified by gba.

    You talk about my time played like I never play here lol. I'm on a lot of the time, only afked 2 or 3 times.
    if you check my actual stats you will see how many rounds I've played only to be slain 19 times (all for rdm I'm guessing)

    Smash is biased
    Falcor is biased
    Alisae is biased (tried to give me 2 slays for saying "fucking rekt")​
  2. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    I'll prepare my evidence shortly.

    In the meantime I will tag @Falcor and @Smash to provide their evidence as well.

    In this video: West 2 whitehouse.dem?dl=0

    You claimed you killed him for "One of us had to be shooting towards you so GBA".

    However you can clearly see he is not shooting near you as you are behind a wall, and that he was shooting a prop that was not near you.

    I'll be forming my other evidence via a youtube video so be patient as I get it ready.
  3. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    At 56300, you did not see them shoot meaning it could have been a sniper or anyone in the vicinity. You had no proof of who was shooting at you.

    Placing shelves at the bottom of the water drop is KOSable, as you can see here in the extended rules and seeing as it killed someone that is RDM.

    In the demo provided you can see Falcor shooting straight up at tick 3800 and no where near a player, you then KOSed her and killed her based on that. West 2 whitehouse.dem?dl=0

    Alisae was not a part of this, you were banned by @Nena after we presented her with evidence.

    You can claim we are biased, however Nena has never dealt with you before and those 2 slays were for loopholing until we presented her with the final bits of evidence. All evidence shows you loopholing, you claiming bias does not change anything.
  4. 5 + 7

    5 + 7 New Member

    I had just passed the door and then bullets come flying toward me? Like I said, there was a reason and the reason is valid. I also never claimed to kill him since he is clearly still alive afer you both shot me to death. Notice how low my hp is before you started shooting at me. I had already been attacked before and the person who attacked me vanished which is why I said "where did he go?" moments before you two showed up and bullets flew in my direction.
    Alisae gave me 2 slays for saying "fucking rekt"

    Nena: "With such low hours playing on our servers, and you have already did everything to be trollish, and hence please take this two weeks and think about your action."

    dafuq does that even mean?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  5. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    Alisae was is no way a part of your punishment.

    Maybe you got her confused with Nena who's ingame name is [​IMG] , the admin who banned you.

    In either case, lets wait for @Falcor and @Nena to give their input. Please be patient.
  6. 5 + 7

    5 + 7 New Member

    Even better, so Nena is completely biased. Wicked Sick!
  7. 5 + 7

    5 + 7 New Member

    inb4 my time is being wasted
  8. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    How am I biased ? After I got into the game you just keep using "tbaiting" as an excuses to kill others, and I'm sure @Ascended got them in another demos ,
    Not to mention how bad you're behaving right now, I'll lock the thread till @Ascended uploaded the video proofs .
  9. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Here is the report that I filed against you after the events that occured in the video:


    Here is the video of you blatantly loopholing:

    As you can see I shoot the door while you are directly behind me, and you shoot me claiming I "t bait" you.

    This is all I have to input and will let the other parties involved present their sides of the story.
  10. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    As the vidoe has shown, he didn't even shoot towards you and you started shooting at him,
    You were being reported for so many times after I got into server where you keep claiming they were t baiting,
    Appeal denied, if you have any problem with it feel free to contact any higher up admins @Darktooth , @Disruptionz .
  11. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Although your appeal is already denied I would like to state my evidence.

    Let's not waste time but here is a demo of us on Amseterville, where I shoot straight up into the air, then you immediately KOS and kill me West 2 Amsterville.dem?dl=0
    tick 3000

    In the report you claimed because, you saw me shooting someone.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You say I am biased yet I see no reason why I would be. You have non stopped harassed me when I'm on the servers.
    Even at one point changing your name to Falco = hate and Falcod.
    Yet I have always treated you like every other player on the servers.
    I also have some of the things you say about me while in the servers.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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