2 Spooky Maps

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Neon Barbarian, Jun 28, 2015.



  1. Scavage

    1 vote(s)
  2. Train

    1 vote(s)
  3. Both

    2 vote(s)
  4. Neither

    0 vote(s)
  1. ttt_traitor_train
    inspired by Resident Evil 0, on this map, you battle on a double-decker train roaring down the railroad. It has a variety of cars to fight in and on. It is a tight fit, though, so traitors can use these small rooms as an advantage. This map is great to play with anywhere from a small sized group to about 16-20 people. Where is the train going? Who knows? Perhaps to a Best Buy with Amiibos.

    This map includes the following:
    -11 Different Cars, including:
    -A Steam Engine
    -A Coal Car
    -A Kitchen and Dining Car
    -A Storage Car
    -And a Caboose
    -A Small Traitor Room with a Teleporter

    You will need the Counter-Strike:confused:ource materials for this map to work properly.

    Thanks, and enjoy!

    Its like train except spooky plus it has a T room and train doesn't. I don't know if we would have to remove the current train or run both I would like to keep both but i would be fine with this one taking its place. Only downside to this map is that it has a horn at the front of the train that players can use/spam

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "Estatua" city, left abandoned years ago is falling into pieces slowly. The water is eating away the shore and the buildings are collapsing, leaving mountains of debris.
    A group of terrorists decided to go scavenge the city for supplies. They weren't expecting any trouble. Too shame some of them turned back...


    Taken from the unreleased gamemode "Scavenge", ttt_scavenge is a reworked version of the main map of this gamemode, that suits nicely most, if not all TTT aspects required in a map.

    > Features
    - Wide open map
    - Spooky ambientation (Fog, soundscapes, spooky lighting)
    - 2 T traps and a T room (Including the never-seen-before sniper trap, go check it out!)
    - A secret knife

  2. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Honestly, I like the ideas of both of these maps. We don't really have any; or perhaps very minimal, spooky maps. These both could be very enjoyable to play on due to their uniqueness.

    Although the train map is similar to the one we already have in rotation, it does offer a number of differences as you've mentioned. I like that the map takes place at nighttime, giving it that particular feel that we don't see often. The idea of a T-room sounds nice, although I would like to do where it is/what's in it. There are any Traitor traps or not? I don't think the horn at the front of the train will be that big of an issue; if it's not too long or loud. If players use it, they sort of give their position away to the traitors; as well as attention. My last thought would be, how are the doors on the map..?

    Right now if I had to pick only one of these maps, I'd probably choose the second one. This is because what I'm seeing in these pictures are an incredible amount of potential! I like the use of the fog and the wide open areas. It looks quite large and suitable for the player base of our servers. I can also see that there are a number of buildings and floors that players can explore and Traitors can use to their advantage. The inclusion of a T room and two Traitor traps sounds good as well; I'm particularly interested in this sniper trap and secret knife.
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  3. Bacon Bombs

    Bacon Bombs Matthew 1:25 New Testament VIP Bronze

    +1 for train
  4. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    The sniper trap on the scavenge map is fun but it also has a bad side. It shoots at anyone, even your fellow traitor buddies. Its also can instant kill if it hits you, but it is easily avoided.

    Edit: I also want to add that it is basically the sniper from the Half Life 2 campaign complete with laser so you can tell if it has been activated and where he/she is aiming.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015