Finished 10000 Points Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Viral☣, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. Viral☣

    Viral☣ I'm the hero that Deathrun deserves! VIP Silver

    To celebrate my birthday in a few days (January 8th) I have decided instead of receiving gifts why not give out gifts, so I'm going to be giving away 10000 points on any server! To enter just simply tell me whats your favorite thing to do on your birthday and why! Good luck to everyone!! (you dont have to rate this post if you dont want to :D, Good luck!)
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
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  2. HR Phasma

    HR Phasma VIP

    My favorite thing to do on my birthday Is eating snacks cus y not?
  3. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    fav thing to do is eat and drink out w friends
  4. My favorite thing to do on my birthday is not getting slain.
  5. Bacon Bombs

    Bacon Bombs Matthew 1:25 New Testament VIP Bronze

    Favorite thing to do on birthday is be with my best friend because I love him so much and he is lots of fun
  6. Looble

    Looble VIP

    I just sit with my family and relax!
  7. UncleBee

    UncleBee VIP

    sit on my ass
  8. ekksdee

    ekksdee wrath VIP Bronze

    Eat cake and drink.
  9. CrownedWings

    CrownedWings Quirkless but still kickin VIP

    The Food, enjoying family and friends being there
  10. Ata47

    Ata47 Mars Rover Banned VIP

    Eat and play GMOD
  11. Flan

    Flan Banned VIP

    I just eat and sit in my room all day
  12. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    Being with friends, online or irl, is my favorite thing to do on my bday.
  13. Viral☣

    Viral☣ I'm the hero that Deathrun deserves! VIP Silver

    Thanks for all the entry’s so far!! Keep them coming!
  14. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Fav thing to do: Drink Scotch. Love me some Scotch~
  15. Death

    Death May we meet again. VIP Bronze

    My favorite thing to do on my birthday is I get to go out to dinner and order whatever I want and how much I want.
  16. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Eat an amazing meal....
  17. Agent Knockout

    Agent Knockout Шуми Марица, окърваена! Плаче вдовица, ранена! VIP

    My Favourite thing to do on a birthday is relax and NOT get slain..or get it..
  18. Agxite

    Agxite VIP

    My favorite thing to do is go out for a family dinner at the expensive restaurants I never go to :b
  19. My favorite thing to do on my birthday is eat ice cream cake. My birthday is Saturday so I might be doing hat soon.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
  20. Spooky Manbaby

    Spooky Manbaby VIP Bronze

    play serious gmod