Approved ⚡Savage⚡'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ⚡Savage⚡, Oct 12, 2020.

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  1. ⚡Savage⚡

    ⚡Savage⚡ New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    During the match, I stole a detective's scanner whilst he was dropping it to a fellow player and in doing so, I ran away and he called a KOS on me. I simply was defending myself and killing anyone that deemed to be a potential threat due to my name being called out. Nowhere in the rules does it state you cannot protect yourself while you are KOSed as an innocent. Yes, I have read the rules as well as the extended rules and I am well aware of what they state due to my troubled past. I understand that killing the detective was going to far as he should've shot me first before I killed him and I deserve a slay for that but I am willing to accept slays for the others as well if I really must. All I was trying to do was stay alive to potentially get the win but it didn't happen to work out in the end as I was the last innocent alive.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    First of all, I feel very disrespected for the amount of time I put into this server for the last few months. I was even considering to donate and I still am but due to this unfortunate event I must keep my funds until a verdict is made or my punishment is served. Second of all, I feel like the person who called me out for a KOS should be at fault to because he was the one who started these shenanigans. Lastly, I have had a clean record for a while now and have managed to keep out of trouble the past couple of months. I had just started to get back into TTT but was abruptly hit with a ban tonight. Excuse me if I had come off so heatedly but this server means a lot to me.​
  2. Lovisa

    Lovisa His queen :3 VIP

    Ive seen this and i will reply shortly!
  3. Lovisa

    Lovisa His queen :3 VIP

    Right so i banned you for Mass rdm (1st offence)
    During the round you were kosed, you then proceeded to kill anybody who came near you, including myself. Just because you are kosed doesnt mean you can kill anyone in sight for fear they might kill you, IF they shoot you first then you may kill them in self defence. So yes you can protect yourself, but not by shooting everyone in sight which landed you with 4 kills in a single round. I noticed this and then made an extra report for the 4th rdm.
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Seeing as this is your first mass rdm ban in a few years, and you were confused on the rules on self defence, i will be accepting this appeal. But it will not be voided, so if you mass rdm again it will be a harsher punishment.
    Any further questions feel free to pm me on discord Lovisa#2701

    Not void
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