Denied ☺SNAKE EATER☺'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ☺SNAKE EATER☺, May 5, 2017.

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    ☺SNAKE EATER☺ New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Guilty kicked me for harassment, i came back, and then he banned me for things i did before he kicked me, and on top of that, there was a guy taunting me calling me retarded and a child and overall just harassing me, it was Tankor Of Finland doing this to me, he is a VIP he just kept making my mood worse and worse, he was attacking me over this, and i ended up raging because of his childish insults, i'm sorry for what i did, oh and, guilty put TWO slays on me for ONE rdm. i am sorry for spamming various racial profanities, i wont do it again, i just dont want to be harassed by abusive moderators, i really do like your server, its just mods like guilty that ruin it, hell, you can even keep my ban on if you want, i just wanna see guilty brought to justice, i guess you could say guilty, is guilty.
    oh and on top of all of that, guilty didnt gag tankor of finland for harassing and taunting me, and about my friend STUpendus, he was banned for killed guilty, WHEN GUILTY WAS A T.
    STUpendous was also banned, Unfairly and yet still a bit faire - he killed Guilty in a round as inno thinking that guilty was infact a traitor, so STUpendous killed him, then guilty reacted to it with a report. STUpendous replied with "I thought it was you because 2 innos died with AK's and i only saw you holding it, it was an honest mistake" He then proceeded to give STUpendous 2 slays but after that STU asked why he was given 2 and not 1 so then guilty said " YOu know what infact its gonna be a ban" so guilty then proceeded to ban STU for 1 day.

    Evidence of Innocence:

    Last edited: May 5, 2017
  2. Dwardu

    Dwardu School tmrw? VIP

    You were banned for Harassment by @Guilty, please be patient until they gather their evidence.

    ☺SNAKE EATER☺ New Member

    hey dwardu, i wasnt harassing, and i have people that can back me up on that, it was an unfair ban, there is only one thing he did that was fair, one slay for an ACTUAL RDM, which i got slayed for, and then i grenaded my friend, because my friend told me to, then i got TWO SLAYS. for ONE RDM, then he kicked me for harassment, then i came back, told him he was being a dick, then i was silent for about 5 minutes, and after the 5 minutes, i got banned for harassment, i wasnt harassing anyone, i was being harassed by tankor of finland
  4. Dwardu

    Dwardu School tmrw? VIP

    To be honest I can't really do much since I wasn't present although I'm sure Guilty must have had a valid reasoning, I'll lock this up until @Guilty can respond.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver


    Thank you for making this appeal. Let's get started with why you were banned. It started when you decided to RDM another player by the name of ramen noodles intentionally with a frag grenade. I gave a slay for that and you proceeded to use a racial slur as a response as well as respond negatively with the following comment which will be shown in a video. I also have another screenshot of another comment you made shortly after you were ungagged.


    Let's get onto the reason why you were kicked from the server next, which shows you responding in a toxic manner to other players as well as threatening to RDM me after your slays were up. This moves onto reason 2 on why you were kicked, which involves your language along with your toxic behavior that was prominently displayed in admin chat.


    Which moves onto the eventual ban, which was given after you returned to choose to publicly insult me even further. Considering the toxic behavior and attitude you displayed prominently on the server, I chose to give the 3rd punishment for harassment, which is a 1 day ban.

    As for the reasons why you were slain for the respective rounds, you seem to have already answered why you were given 2 slays for one offense of RDM: because it's your 2nd offense of RDM. You were banned for harassment due to the toxic behavior you kept on showing to not only myself, but to other players on the servers. I will not be unbanning you due to these circumstances and have you serve out your ban. Keep this in mind: the more toxicity you display to the server will result in a more severe punishment in the future. Your appeal is denied.


    ☺SNAKE EATER☺ New Member

    hey guess wwhat buddy, both the times i rdmed, they forgave me which is when slays are not to be palced
  7. Gazzy

    Gazzy they're GREAT! VIP

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