Denied ★Anonymoose★™'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ★Anonymoose★™, Apr 12, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because i was banned for leaving a game after an Event "One in a Chamber" and which apparently counted as me leaving in an RDM? I'm not sure what happened but i would like some help please!
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I am friend's with one of the mods and i do not RDM usually, i have misclicked in my last session but i requested to get punished for my actions, then when the Event ended i said goodbye to Server and said i had to go, school time. But when i attempted to log on this afternoon i was banned for 5 days, this shouldn't be valid and please help me :)
  2. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    You were banned by @Ragman for RDM and Leave 1st. He'll respond when he can.
  3. Ragman

    Ragman hool-moh-goh-bow-bigga-bogga-walnum-bodgish-misjoo Banned VIP

    Hey there, I have collected my evidence so I'll jump straight into this.


    In the first report filed against you (On community pool overhaul) you had "misclicked" and shot D4RK SPARTAN in the head with a Colt. Even though this was an accident, it still warranted the slay as it was RDM. This was your First instance of RDM.

    You served this slay and then we went into the next map.


    Somehow I've lost your second report during moving/uploading the images. However I actually witnessed this situation unfold. The player "TheAwpfulPlayer" reported you for RDM due to the fact that you seemingly randomly killed him. If you recall I actually asked you why you killed him before he even filed the report to which you responded "he had that T sniper". In this event the player in question walked across a rooftop and dropped down onto a pipe/walkway in front of you (you were facing the building) I was behind this player and dropped just after you killed him. The player only ever had a crowbar out at this point.

    In the log I have provided a screenshot of, the player did actually damage a player before you killed him. However I did not see this as he was round a corner at the time, and you could not have seen it from your position on the pipe. You also did not state in your response that you had seen it, making it negligible. As you can see the log begins at the start of the round and no traitor that map bought any equipment before (or in the next minute or so after you killed him) so there was no way he could have possibly had the dragunov sniper. This is what led to your next two slays. You received two slays as per the rules, due to the fact that this was your Second case of RDM in both yours and my play session.


    I have provided the part of the conversation that I deemed necessary for this section. You asked my why you had two slays (or were even being slain at all) to which I explained that I had to wait a round for "TheAwpfulPlayer" to respond to a question I asked him. I informed you of both your offences and what your punishment would be.


    About 10-15 seconds after I sent my response to you - you left the server. You did not say goodbye to everyone as you stated you did in your appeal, otherwise I would have informed you that you would receive an RDM and leave ban if you did.

    As a result of the fact that I do not have the screenshot of your report, I shall allow you to respond to this post with any evidence you have that will clear up the situation.

    Thank you for your patience and for taking the time to appeal!
  4. Oh i'm sorry about this misconfusion, i must of did this earlier before i left for a few hours, which at a point i rejoined later, i admit to this RDM and Leave and i apologise for this confusion guys, i hope we can leave this here, and i'll be back on your server soon hopefully (3 days) to continue playing :) Also if you guys could direct me to the Mod Application section that would be nice please. Because i have found this server very nice and friendly in the past few days, and i understand my acts of RDM haven't proved me very innocent or friendly, but i'm going to try my best to work my RDM out and stop it, so i can hopefully be recruited by this server and continue playing and keeping the server the way i've seen it for the past few days :)

    Thank you for your time Admins!
  5. Ragman

    Ragman hool-moh-goh-bow-bigga-bogga-walnum-bodgish-misjoo Banned VIP

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