Approved ๖ۣۜMr. Dick Blownoff's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ๖ۣۜMr. Dick Blownoff, Jun 8, 2017.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Mr. Dick BLownoff
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Well reason being I got KOSed by this one guy and long story short i shot my way out of it. I actually killed x5 people because of this. However 2 were called for 1. For KOSing me for t-bait and 2. the person who followed the KOS i had killed. The 3rd person did not report me so i assumed the mod just straight banned me for that, oops :/ as for the 4th and 5th person i was reported as well as the 2nd person. Do i think i was falsely banned? Kind of but rules are rules, I honestly like playing on the server and i like playing with Kate alot I know its a day but I just want to say this so there wont be a fight about he said she said, I also know there will be evidence provided of me doing this so i would like to say it out like this, thank you for the time to take my appeal into consideration. Have a nice day <3
    Evidence of Innocence:
    None i got banned right when it happened​
  2. neutral

    neutral VIP

    You were banned by @Grillz Best Friend . Please be patient while they address your issues.
  3. Ah yes, and there was a trial mod if you can tag him too?
  4. neutral

    neutral VIP

    While trial mods are receiving training with a staff member on the server, verdicts ultimately belong to the full staff member that was present at the time and they will be the one to address your appeal. If Grillz needs additional evidence then he may ask the trial and have them reply as well.
  5. Understand, I shall wait then :) thanks for the info bro.
  6. I am involved in this report as I was the one who KOS'd Mr. Dick. I have the video recorded, and will be uploading it to YouTube now.

    Edit: Here is the video. The act in question begins at about the 20 second mark.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  7. Grillz Best Friend

    Grillz Best Friend Too Edgy VIP

    Hello Ill respond in a bit Please wait patiently for me
  8. Grillz Best Friend

    Grillz Best Friend Too Edgy VIP

    So for this ban I had gotten 3 reports against you.
    In your responses you claimed that you were KoS'd. However just because you are KoSd does not mean you can shoot any player that you feel like. They would need to shoot/damage you first for it to be valid for you to return fire which none of those players did. Add me on steam to discuss this further.
    Note: Sorry for bad quality

  9. Noted, i added you on steam. As for the logs its logs i admitted to the RDM but i still would like to have this convo.

    That is all
  10. Grillz Best Friend

    Grillz Best Friend Too Edgy VIP

    Talked with him
    Ban: Voided
    Appeal: Accepted
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