Denied ГригорийГризов's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ГригорийГризов, May 17, 2020.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Григорий (Гаврилович) Гризов
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for my name, because according to the moderator who banned me, Григорий (Гаврилович) Гризов does not have 3 english characters (As the rule says a username must have). Григорий (Гаврилович) Гризов does indeed meet the standards set in the rules. Григорий (Гаврилович) Гризов. Plus, a few of the characters look like english ones already. Originally my name only had 2 characters, but at the request of the moderator I changed it to have more english characters. After I changed my name, I asked him what the issue was over PM ingame, but the moderator never answered me, and then banned me after my name change.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    The rules upon entering the server state a minimum of 3 english characters must be in the name. Григорий (Гаврилович) Гризов has 3 english characters, o, a, o, o. If this is an issue, perhaps the better idea would be to change your rules to suit what you want enforced.​
  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Tagging @j3kawesome as he banned you for Refusal to Change Name.

    Your Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:55797072.
  3. j3kawesome

    j3kawesome "mestimate" - Indy226 Administrator VIP Silver

    After @Jabba the Slut brought the point that this name is still confusing I will be rebanning you for the remainder of the time that the ban would have left. In the future please do not use russian names and stick with names mainly comprised of english charatcers so that they can be typed and said in chat and voice chat

    Appeal Denied
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