Sep 27, 2016
Trophy Points:
Positive ratings received:
Neutral ratings received:
Negative ratings received:

Post Ratings

Received: Given:
Like 10,727 8,438
Dislike 53 57
Agree 1,214 1,329
Disagree 196 246
Funny 873 1,487
Winner 853 1,416
Informative 429 281
Confusing 138 214
Friendly 1,116 978
Useful 265 66
Optimistic 397 390
Creative 196 100
Old 79 113
Bad Spelling 88 53
Dumb 294 492
*insert whatever job I have here*


Heroes come and go, but legends are forever., Male

VIP Bronze

All good things must come to an end. Jun 20, 2021

    1. Kyül
      1. Silly and Scotty like this.
      2. Scotty
        Thank you so much again fam!
        Aug 11, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A and Kyül like this.
      3. Timo654
        u mean lost the key amirite
        Aug 12, 2017
        Agent A and Kyül like this.
    2. Grimoire+
      1. Agent A, Scotty and Doben like this.
      2. Doben
        Aug 10, 2017
        Grimoire+ and Scotty like this.
    3. Smusha
    4. Timo654
    5. Spud
      1. Scotty likes this.
      2. Scotty
        SWEEEEEEET thanks for the Spud of Approval dude.
        Aug 9, 2017
        Aquast and Agent A like this.
    6. Doben
      are you getting married or what
      1. Scotty likes this.
      2. Scotty
        My pic?
        Aug 9, 2017
        Aquast and Agent A like this.
      3. Doben
        yeah :D
        Aug 9, 2017
        Scotty likes this.
      4. Scotty
        Ahhh, no not yet but I found this really cool picture and wanted to have it.
        Aug 9, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A and Doben like this.
    7. ink
      How much is a 1k rating boost with today's inflation?
      1. Agent A likes this.
      2. Timo654
        idk he got 600 rating today but i didnt get shit from it >(
        Aug 8, 2017
        Agent A likes this.
      3. ink
        Man economy sure is rough these days
        Aug 8, 2017
        Agent A and Scotty like this.
    8. Timo654
      totally not boosted
      1. Agent A and Scotty like this.
      2. Scotty
        Yup totally not
        Aug 8, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 1 other person like this.
    9. Falcor
      Thanks for the song. <3 I dont get gay to often but you can have that tiny bit haha
      1. Scotty likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Timo654
        how to be gay.
        Aug 8, 2017
        Agent A and Scotty like this.
      4. Falcor
        how to be gay
        Aug 8, 2017
        Scotty likes this.
      5. Scotty
        Aug 8, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 1 other person like this.
    10. Smusha
      1. Scotty likes this.
      2. Scotty
        Damn it Smusha I was go no send you this once I got home
        Aug 7, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 1 other person like this.
    11. Timo654
      congratz on 5k again
      1. Agent A likes this.
    12. Acnologia
      1. Agent A, Iuna and Scotty like this.
      2. Agent A
        Agent A
        admins are crybabys and give false long bans like morons when i get banned for this im just gonna make another account and spam the fourms Nov 30, 2015

        Nice words there, Scotty.
        Aug 7, 2017
        Scotty and Acnologia like this.
      3. Scotty
        damn yall caught me.
        Aug 7, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 1 other person like this.
    13. Silly
      fidget blade
      1. Agent A, Iuna and Scotty like this.
      2. Scotty
        Silly Spinner
        Aug 6, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 2 others like this.
      3. Iuna
        Aug 8, 2017
        Agent A and Scotty like this.
    14. CHIPS novice
      CHIPS novice
      I knew you were That guy oh my <3 don't change your name so much time !! :(
      1. Scotty likes this.
      2. Scotty
        LOL took you long enough
        Aug 6, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 3 others like this.
    15. Smusha
      Can I have your heart real quick?
      1. Scotty likes this.
      2. Scotty
        No! My heart belongs to me!
        Aug 6, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 2 others like this.
      3. Smusha
        Understandable, have a great day
        Aug 6, 2017
        Scotty likes this.
      4. Scotty
        You as well sir.
        Aug 6, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 2 others like this.
    16. n0blerone
      Why are you a Fidget Spinner Apprentice

      Blink twice if you need help
      1. Agent A, Scotty and Penius like this.
      2. Scotty
        @HelixSpiral inspired me to buy the Fidget Spinner Simulator game sooo thats why.
        Aug 5, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 2 others like this.
    17. Timo654
      i think its apprentice
      1. Agent A, Penius and Azaelus like this.
      2. Scotty
        Spelled it wrong on purpose.
        Aug 5, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 1 other person like this.
      3. Timo654

        bad grammar on purpose

        bad scooty
        Aug 5, 2017
        Agent A and Penius like this.
    18. Doben
      1. n0blerone, Azaelus and Scotty like this.
    19. Penius
      10/10 Best picture yet. When you eat to many wings without cold water, but with coke no ice
      1. Azaelus and Scotty like this.
      2. Scotty
        Like the hottest one at a mom and pop shop wing place.
        Like sometimes they drain that in hot sacue.
        Aug 4, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 3 others like this.
      3. Penius
        That's a good type of place, drown it man. No limits
        Aug 4, 2017
        Scotty likes this.
      4. Azaelus
        More like a Double Tequila and Vodka mixed with a bit of Martini and Triple Sec
        Aug 5, 2017
        Scotty and Penius like this.
    20. Silly
      Heh I bet you have this "secret" folder somewhere on your desktop that you stash with anime pictures for your pfp. Gathering over 50 a day.

      1. Agent A and Scotty like this.
      2. Scotty
        Just dont look at my desktop and we are all good.

        Aug 4, 2017
        Aquast, Agent A, Iuna and 2 others like this.
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  • About

    *insert whatever job I have here*
    ^Made by anime girl^
    Made your way here huh?
    Glad to see you made it!
    Wanna know more about me? Just add me on Steam and ask away!
    ^Made by Silent Rebel^
    Opalium - Where do I start with this man? Put up with me for the months that I've been here and dealt with my constant questions for him and among other things. Glad to have this guy as my owner. This guy is a serious role model to follow, no matter how much he misses discord messages.
    Cafedemocha - Gave me my chance here at SGM and made me one of his moderators. If I ever get to move up from this position I will always have him to thank for the start!
    Robokiller87 - Gave me a spot on the MC team. This dude knows anime and memes so if you ever interact with this man, be prepared cause he will drop some on you!
    Solar - Honestly, every time we are in game or in a conversation, I laugh every time. No matter how stupid it is or how lengthy it may be, we both get it. This is one of the guys that I have multiple inside jokes with and can expect hell from me where ever he ends up. Got me hooked on the K Pop world of things and can always kill thank him for that. <3
    Dobie - This is honestly one of the best chicks I have ever met. Once the moment I interacted with her, I knew we would be friends. Has the drive of a Dodge Hellcat but can be gentle as a regular cat. Makes great photos, even got one of her photos a wall scroll. She will be cool no matter what happens to me or her.
    Mellow - This is a try hard at heart, but doesn't want to admit it. Once he got trial mod, I knew he had potential. Was it fate that I got mod while he got trial, our world domination plans only grew from that point!
    Acnologia - My brother here at SGM since the beginning. You have kept me up late at nights trying to go to sleep. You rarely use your voice but when you do its deep. Glad you decided to use your voice and got everything going for you. Love you brother. You keep that personality of yours going.
    Carned - Dear God where do I start with you. You basically trained me everyday that I got up to play. May seem like a prick to begin with, but once you break down the walls, he actually a really good guy. Hell, you even took the time to follow me on Twitter and friend me on Snapchat. This guy is going places in life, whether he realizes it or not.
    Nefarious - You drive me up the wall every time you and I are on the same server or on TS. I still will remember my first day as trial mod you pranking me into thinking if I got a slay I would be demoted, I still do that to trials to this day. Nefarious don't you ever change, and if you do I will hurt you. Love you though! <3
    DieKasta - You of all people gave me my first tenure as an admin when I felt you were my biggest critic. I can only have nothing but respect and thanks towards you. With all of the times in TS to the floor of the games we keep a laugh.
    POP STAR - Picked me back up after my demotion, and also gave me the chance to look at staffing differently. You were the one to flip my mind around and gave me a whole new mindset. The serious rappers was one of our things, hopefully after one of us falls it can continue, even as just a joke between us and the community.
    Jassa, Smusha, Onion, Agent A, Falcor, Hyper, Atlas, Wink, Pacifist, Dark of Dutch, Senpai Reich, Vinerra, Siddo, Jaysu, Azaelus, Ptownslayer21, GimcSnooper - This is a group of people that have made my time here at SGM enjoyable. For the early morning with half of them and then the other half at night, I was entertained 24/7. Never had a dull moment with these people and most likely never will.
    The SGM Community - To the countless memes in Shout box to the memories in game, I thank all of you. When this community accepted me into its arms, I was not expecting a family that I could talk to anything about. If I ever leave this family, I will be deeply sadden. Even if lose interest in Gmod, I will always be in Shout box talking to y'all end up giving away random ranks like I always do.

    Regular: 9/27/16 to 1/16/17
    Trial Moderator: 1/17/17 to 1/27/17
    TTT Moderator: 1/27/17 to 07/08/17
    MC Moderator 2/27/17 - 3/27/17
    TTT (2nd) Moderator: 7/24/17 - 08/26/17
    Admin: 08/26/17 - 10/22/17
    TTT (3rd) Moderator: 10/22/17 - 05/26/18
    Airforcie -1
    DR Moderator: 01/05/18 - 02/17/18
    #Team 8-Bit

    TTT (4th) Moderator: 6/27/18 - 9/25/18
    DR (2nd) Moderator: 7/2/18 - 9/25/18
    TTT Moderator (5th) : 04/13/21 - Present
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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    Minecraft Username:


    Former Administrator of #THEUNDERGROUND