Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2021
Jun 23, 2013
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Post Ratings

Received: Given:
Like 1,657 0
Dislike 46 0
Agree 534 1
Disagree 37 0
Funny 333 0
Winner 2,263 0
Informative 651 0
Confusing 11 0
Friendly 369 1
Useful 125 0
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Creative 78 0
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Bad Spelling 7 0
Dumb 108 1



Owner VIP Silver
Highwon was last seen:
Dec 5, 2021
    1. Anaso
      Who is mrserious?!?!?!
      1. Highwon
        He is a pigment of your imagination.
        Aug 23, 2014
      2. Red
        Pigment means color... which means mrserious is currently among us hiding as a color!
        Aug 23, 2014
    2. Red
      Highwon: "I always feel like somebody's watching meee and I got no privacy..."
      Very true Highwon... I'm always stalking you.
    3. Yawn.
      Congrats on Mod! :D
      1. Scrungy
        You see the joke here is, he is owner so it makes so sense for him to be a moderator due to his status as owner! Haha ~scrungy
        Nov 10, 2020
    4. Patrick
      Congratz on Mod.
    5. TacticHell
      Is there a chance of changing the sounds from mp3 to wav?
      For some reason they can't be played on Mac nor Linux and it's frustrating, especially when someone is jihadding...
      1. Highwon
        I was never aware of mp3 not working on Linux or Mac. The mp3 format is much smaller than wav which is why we use it to reduce download times. But I have not received any complaints from players using Linux/Mac not hearing the sounds until now.
        Aug 4, 2014
      2. TacticHell
        Installing WINE seems to solve it, music is now playing
        Aug 8, 2014
    6. Vintage
      Is there a addon or workshop where we can download the files from? It won't autodownload with me, as my firewall blocks it or something, can you help me out?
    7. RicoDaMann
      hey i remember awhile back Serious TTT was owned by mrserious. is he gone or was that you?
      1. Highwon
        It's a mystery :)
        Aug 1, 2014
        Jiggly-Puff, Pokeben10 and Robyn like this.
      2. RicoDaMann
        Aug 1, 2014
    8. Freaking Chaos
      Freaking Chaos
      Hey I accidently donated twice lol is there anyway I could get one of the donations back?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Highwon
        Are you sure? I normally refund accidental double donations however they happen very rarely.
        Aug 2, 2014
      3. Freaking Chaos
        Freaking Chaos
        Yeah, but I was playing on your servers and I never had a TTT experience like it before. I like where it is going so as long as it benefits it. Plus accidental "Donations" wouldn't make it a donation at all if I got a refund it back. So I don't mind.
        Aug 4, 2014
      4. Highwon
        Well I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your time on our servers. Thank you for your contributions.
        Aug 4, 2014
    9. Tallimun
      Hey I'm trying to donate and it says "PayPal does not currently support Donation Payments from buyers in JP. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause." whenever I try and donate because I live in japan, do you know of any other way I could possibly donate or you know something about Paypal I don't that lets me bypass this.
      1. Highwon
        Unfortunately we don't process the payments, that is done on PayPal's side. You would have to contact PayPal to see how you would continue in this case.
        Jul 31, 2014
      2. Tallimun
        Alrighty, thanks.
        Aug 7, 2014
    10. WeAreTheUsed
      and then i took that mans life and he was infact the remaining terrorist but upon making my logical decision i became slain a logical move and slain please remove his power he does not deserve it
    11. WeAreTheUsed
      id like to report alco owns for being a abuser of his power during a game where math is a real thing everybody but one person was in one location when our detective got sniped after which the only other player not in our location and from which the bullet that took the detectives life came walking up to us so i gave it another 5 minutes at least
      1. Highwon
        You have to use our Report section to file these reports. The appropriate admins will then look into your claims.
        Jul 31, 2014
      2. WeAreTheUsed
        where is your report section?
        Jul 31, 2014
    12. Change-up
      Wow! Highwon, you've oly rated one post.... you've only give 1 like and recieved 150.
    13. Original
      Can you take a look @ my Mod Application?
    14. HuskyJimbo
      Hey man, sorry for the stupid question, but I was just wondering if it would be possible to donate with a Visa Gift Card?
      1. Highwon
        We only accept PayPal so the question is, does PayPal accept a Visa Gift Card? I'm pretty sure they do.
        Jul 2, 2014
    15. -spud-
      Your admins are trash. You know how to pick them. (Granted 2 of them are actually good, just the bad apples)
      1. Highwon
        You are entitled to your opinion. If you would like to make a report against any of my admins then feel free to do so.
        Jun 24, 2014
    16. TopGamer357
      You said you don't accept friend request without being contacted outside of steam. I wanted to ask you if you'd accept my friend request.
      1. Robyn likes this.
      2. Highwon
        I only add staff so I can keep my friends list small. I also temporarily add players that are experiencing issues on the server. Sorry. The best way to contact me would be through private message on here.
        Jun 21, 2014
        Robyn likes this.
    17. Toest
      high is there any way to pay for donator via steam credits?
      1. Cash likes this.
      2. Highwon
        No, at this time we only accept PayPal. If you need further assistance please post in our donations forum. Thanks.
        Jun 21, 2014
    18. Toest
      highwon i i traded my whole tf2 inv and my whole cs go inv to you could i have donator or vip?
      1. Jiggly-Puff, Cash and Timo654 like this.
      2. Highwon
        No. Unfortunately I can't pay our hosting bills with TF2 or CSGO items. Also I checked trading and I received no items so you probably sent them to someone else and even if you did send them to me then I would just send them back.
        Jun 21, 2014
        Tophats likes this.
    19. Jimmy
      I had sent you a friend request via steam, I just know you said you don't accept anyone unless they contact you here first.
    20. Eric Cartman
      Eric Cartman
      Best server owner who holds the best server like i always say now only if i can get mod :) maybe ill apply again.
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